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Tania ChatterjeeTania Chatterjee 

How to use BR() in salesforce validation rule

Hi All,
Am new in salesforce, so i just want to confirm how to use BR() in salesforce validation rule . 
Am not getting the exact solution to use that .
kindly provide an example so that I can implement the same .

Thnks & regard 
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Tania,

There is a new formula function called BR() in the Winter '07 release.  This will allow you to insert an HTML line break tag into text formula expressions.

For example (using made-up field names) see the below code:
Address1 & BR() & <br>Address2 & BR() & <br>City & ", " & State & " " & PostalCode & BR() & <br>Country
BR() also works for PDF generation if you're using apex:outputText with escape=false in your PDF:
<apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!yourfield}>
Hope this helps.

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