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Ganesh KapseGanesh Kapse 

how to see debug log for managed beta package?

All Answers

Lokesh KumarLokesh Kumar
Hi Ganesh,

Kindly go through - (#
Amit Singh 1Amit Singh 1
Great question - and yes, there is new functionality that came out in the last release (Winter '12). Hopefully you are using LMA (License Managing Application) with your Managed Package. If so, starting with the Winter '12 release, you will see a new tab called Subscriber Support (or maybe just Subscriber...). Click that Tab. You will see a record of each customer which has installed your managed package. If the end customer has granted you access, you can login on their behalf. Once logged in their behalf, you can open up the Sytem Log Console , run the specific test case, and the debug logs output in the System Console will show you System.debug messages (since the system knows you are the ISV logged on their behalf). 
In the online help, search for Subscriber Support or Package Support Access to read more about this functionality. 

Refer below links for more info
Hope this helps :)
Amit Singh