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Code coverage of apex callout in rest api

Hello guys I am trying to get the code coverage of the apex callout in rest API. Method is getting failed and I am able to achieve only 40% code coverage of the class. Please give your valuable suggestions. Thanks in advance..!

Apex Class
global with sharing class CreateCasesByContract 

    global static string GetToken(string userName, string password)
        string accessToken;
        Http client = new Http();
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        string encodedBody = EncodingUtil.urlEncode('grant_type','UTF-8')+'='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode('password','UTF-8')+'&'+EncodingUtil.urlEncode('username','UTF-8')+'='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode(userName, 'UTF-8')+'&'+EncodingUtil.urlEncode('password','UTF-8')+'='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode(password, 'UTF-8');
        req.setHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
        HttpResponse res = client.send(req);
        String Token = res.getBody(); 
        system.debug('J!GS' + Token );

        JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(Token);
        While(parser.nextToken() != null)
            if ((parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME)) 
                String fieldName = parser.getText();
                if(fieldName == 'access_token')
                    accessToken = parser.getText();      

        return accessToken;

    global  Integer CreateCase()
    Integer C;
        //Make POST call for getting AssocType object 
        string assocData;
        String access_token = GetToken('API_Admin','Boxer@123');

        Http client = new Http();
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        req.setEndpoint('------------------'+ System.UserInfo.getName() +'&caseType= 82');
        req.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
        req.setHeader('Authorization', 'bearer ' + access_token);
        HttpResponse res = client.send(req);
        String assocString = res.getBody();      
        ApiResponse APIRes = new ApiResponse();

        APIRes = (ApiResponse) System.JSON.deserialize(assocString, ApiResponse.class);

        system.debug('ApiRes object '+ APIRes);
        string CID2;

        List<Contract>  ConList = [Select id,Property_Manager__c,DueDate__c,Region__c,PROPERTY_CODE__c, BP_Property__r.Name,bp_property_id__c,Region_ID__c,
                                   LeasingAgentSAM__c ,BP_Unit__r.Name from Contract where  Id =: cid and Broker_Involved__c = 'Yes'  ORDER BY LastModifiedDate  DESC  limit 1];

        List<textValuescls> txstring = New List<textValuescls>();

        string metadataValue = '';

        String CurrentUserofSFstr = UserInfo.getName();

        CaseData cd = New CaseData();

        //Mapping the Contarct data With AssocDataTypes and Passing parameters.

        ****for(AssocType AC: APIRes.ResponseContent)
            for(Contract  C1 : ConList)
                CID2 = C1.Id;
                string CaseTitelstr = C1.PROPERTY_CODE__c  + '  X  '+  C1.BP_Unit__r.Name   +    'Broker Commission Request';
                if(AC.Description == 'Property')
                    metadataValue += AC.AssocTypeID + ',0,' + C1.bp_property_id__c +  ',' + AC.Description + ',' + C1.BP_Property__r.Name +'|';
                else if(AC.Description == 'Region')
                    metadataValue += AC.AssocTypeID + ',0,' + C1.Region_ID__c + ',' + AC.Description +',' + C1.Region__c + '|';
                else if(AC.Description == 'Status')
                    metadataValue += AC.AssocTypeID + ',3784,0,Status,New ';
                else if(Ac.Description == 'Suite')
                    textValuescls tx1 = new textValuescls();
                    tx1.key = Ac.AssocTypeID;
                    tx1.value = C1.BP_Unit__r.Name;                    
                else if(Ac.Description == 'Due Date')
                    string duedate = string.valueOf(C1.DueDate__c);
                    textValuescls tx2 = new textValuescls();
                    tx2.key = Ac.AssocTypeID;
                    tx2.value = duedate;                    
                else if (AC.Description == 'Case Title')
                    textValuescls tx3 = new textValuescls();
                    tx3.key = Ac.AssocTypeID;
                    tx3.value = CaseTitelstr;                    
                cd.currentUser = C1.LeasingAgentSAM__c;
                cd.metaDataValues = metadataValue ;
                cd.caseNotes = 'Testing REST API from Salesforce  Please ignore this case  ' + CurrentUserofSFstr; 
                cd.textValues = txstring;
                cd.caseTitle = CaseTitelstr;
                cd.caseType = 82 ;
                cd.assignTo = 'xyz'; 
        //Converting  CaseData object and parameters in json fromat 
        String JSONString = JSON.serialize(cd);
        System.debug('Serialized list of invoices into JSON format: ' + JSONString);
        Http client1 = new Http();
        HttpRequest req1 = new HttpRequest();
        req1.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
        req1.setHeader('Authorization', 'bearer ' + access_token);
        HttpResponse res1 = client1.send(req1);
        string caseDataFinal = res1.getBody();
        system.debug('Final test ' + caseDataFinal);
        APIResponseCaseData APIResCaseData = new APIResponseCaseData();
        APIResCaseData = (APIResponseCaseData) System.JSON.deserialize(caseDataFinal, APIResponseCaseData.class);
        Integer caseIdFinal = APIResCaseData.ResponseContent;
        system.debug('Final test ' + caseIdFinal);
        ID coid = Id.valueOf(CID2);
        system.debug('^^^^^^^ID^^^^^^' + coid);
        List<Contract> CList = new List<Contract>();
        contract con = new Contract();
        //con.Id = coid;
        con.BCR_Case_Id__c = caseIdFinal;
        Update CList;
    return C;

Mock Class :
global class CreateCasesByContractMock implements HttpCalloutMock {

    global HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest request) {

        // Create a fake response
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        response.setBody(' {"caseTitle": "4200t  X 520 Broker Commission Request ",  "caseType": 82,  "assignTo": "JigneshC",  "currentUser": "Testing"}');
        return response; 



Test Class :
@isTest Public class TestCreateCasesByContract{

    Public Static testmethod void mytest()

        Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new CreateCasesByContractMock()); 

        HttpResponse  response = New HttpResponse ();
        CreateCasesByContract.GetToken('userName', 'password');


    public static testmethod  void testsaveDataToSF()
        Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new CreateCasesByContractMock());

        AssocType AC = New AssocType();




HI ,
Could please tell me what error are you facing and in which line . Also tell me till which line the code is covered ?
Hey Jerry,

You have not pasted code fo mytest1 function  from where the error gets triggered  . If you have change the code again in the class CreateCasesByContract . Request you  to paste the code of class and test class again . 
what i can see is in the test class line no 132 , the method called is CreateCase with parameter being passed , but in the class you have pased  the method defination of CreateCase doesnt have any parameters . Then how are u able to call it . Is there an another method with same name which accepts parameters?

Also what i can figure out is line no 72 from class  APIRes is null and APIRes.ResponseContent will result to null pointer exception . For this you have to check if proper json data is being set for setBody in  mock class.