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Rahul MahaleRahul Mahale 

need to print Key & Values line by line

I need to print in O/P of  Stored values in Keys & Associated values line by line of Map function.

o/p required :

the current key =98
the current value for above key = Robert

What enhancement should i do to achieve o/p?

Code :

//Declare Map Variable & Show key Values, Values & Check if it is empty or not.

Map<integer, String> VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum= New Map <integer, String>();

//add some items

//to see the map
System.debug('The current map ='+VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum);

//Collect all Keys and Show 1 By 1
set<Integer> VarTempSet = new set<Integer>();
VarTempSet = VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum.keyset();
for (integer VarMobileSetPrint: VarTempSet)
    system.debug('The Current Key ='+VarMobileSetPrint);

//Collect all Values and Show 1 By 1
List<String> VarTempList = new List<String>();
VarTempList = VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum.Values();
for (string VarMobileListPrint: VarTempList)
    system.debug('The Current Value for above Key ='+VarMobileListPrint);
Best Answer chosen by Rahul Mahale
ravi soniravi soni
Hi Rahul,
try following code.
Map<integer, String> VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum= New Map <integer, String>();

//add some items

//to see the map
System.debug('The current map ='+VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum);
for (integer key: VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum.keyset()){
    system.debug('The Current Key ='+key);
         system.debug('The Current value ='+ VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum.get(key));

get value based key.
I hope above info will help you and if it help, let me know to mark it as best answer.
Thank you

All Answers

Suraj Tripathi 47Suraj Tripathi 47

Please replace your code with below code:-
public class mapValues {
    public static void disp(){
        Map<integer, String> VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum= New Map <integer, String>();
        //add some items
        //to see the map
        System.debug('The current map ='+VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum);
                for (integer  i : VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum.keyset())
            system.debug('The Current Key ='+i);
            system.debug('The Current Value for above Key ='+VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum.get(i));

Please mark it as Best Answer if it helps you.

Thanks & Regards
Suraj Tripathi
ravi soniravi soni
Hi Rahul,
try following code.
Map<integer, String> VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum= New Map <integer, String>();

//add some items

//to see the map
System.debug('The current map ='+VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum);
for (integer key: VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum.keyset()){
    system.debug('The Current Key ='+key);
         system.debug('The Current value ='+ VarMapOfEmployeeMobileNum.get(key));

get value based key.
I hope above info will help you and if it help, let me know to mark it as best answer.
Thank you
This was selected as the best answer
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