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salutation Trouble help to solve this problem

I am getting a Full name as one of Record Salutation in the contact but In salutation, I have not put this name as on the picklist
it will automatically generate so how can I solve this problem? User-added image
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Yashh,
This appears to be an odd scenario. Does it happen only for this contact record? Recommend setting debug logs to see if there are any customizations running.
Thank you
Suraj Tripathi 47Suraj Tripathi 47

Hi Yashh,

This might be a bug, please refresh your page and check again.
If still it is occurring, Please go to object manager and select Contact then click on Salutation and check the Picklist Values.

If you find your Solution then mark this as the best answer. 

Thank you!

Suraj Tripathi

HI Suraj 
I have refresh this page but it's showing the same also I have checked the picklist but there is no value for this name 
can you please help me?
Hi Shweta 
It happens in Lead and contact I have checked the debugger but not anything custamization running!
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Yashh,
Can you check the same in Lightning Experience? 

Recommend logging a case with salesforce support as this will need investigation by signing into your org.

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you