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Dee Dee AaronDee Dee Aaron 

Looking to reference a value from a related object

Hi there.
I have an object called "Work Orders". I have a related object called "Pre-Work Orders".
I want to reference the custom Status field from the Pre-Work order ON the Work Order record.
I don't know how to do this. Because it's a related object, I don't see any way to access it through the formula builder options?
I believe I can create a "related object" formula like so:

I keep getting this: 
Error: Field WorkOrder__r does not exist. Check spelling.
I'm unsure of the correct format I need to reference?
Any help would be appricated. Thank you.

Best Answer chosen by Dee Dee Aaron
Andrew GAndrew G
If the formula field is to exist on the Work Order object, then no need to reference the WorkOrder__r.

Assuming you are on the Work Order and there is a lookup field to Pre_Work_Order with a field name of Pre_Work_Order__c then try

All Answers

Andrew GAndrew G
If the formula field is to exist on the Work Order object, then no need to reference the WorkOrder__r.

Assuming you are on the Work Order and there is a lookup field to Pre_Work_Order with a field name of Pre_Work_Order__c then try
This was selected as the best answer
Dee Dee AaronDee Dee Aaron
Thanks, you solved my problem!