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dynamically associating user or multiple users to workflow task

One thing that seems obvious to me would be the ability to either: A) Assign a task to a queue or group of people, or B) assign a task to a user dynamically. For instance, we have a group of provisioners that look for Opportunities that haven't been worked yet. They will grab one of these Opportunities and update the status as in progress, which causes some tasks to be created. I want those tasks to be assigned to the provisioner.

Tasks can't be assigned to a queue or role (well, unless there's only 1 person in that role) or dynamically like explained above. To me, this makes their workflow extremely limited. How are others getting around this?



Salesforce has introduced the Group Tasks.Have you seen tried them for generating tasks from the workflow
Thanks for the idea of using group tasks but I don't think that will work for our need. From what I can tell, group tasks create individual tasks for each person in the group. This is useful for tasks that all members must do (complete timesheet, etc). But what I want is where only 1 user in a group will perform the task. Group tasks would work if when 1 user completed the task all the other tasks were auto-completed.


Would like a solution to this issue as well.

"Approval Tasks" can be assigned to a queue (for custom objects), but are slight different.

I guess one way to semi-do this would be to create a role below the people who need to share a task.
So if A,B,C need to share a task and if they have the role "X" and role "Y" is below X, the task can be assigned to role Y.

Users A,B,C can then see this task in the Activity list view -> My Teams Task and complete them.

Thanks for the ideas, what we ended up doing is using a Trigger to set the Task "Assigned To" person to our Provisioner custom field in the Opportunity. The trigger is called before the Task is created. This works fine, but it's a big pain for something that should work out of the box (IMHO).

And provisioner is the one and only one person who can do that task?

One of the draw backs of my idea is that you might need to buy one additional user license...

correct. The provisioning group receives an email when an Opportunity goes into the correct status. Whichever provisioner is available will set themselves as the "provisioner" on the Opportunity and save it. This causes the Task(s) to be created. By default Tasks are assigned to the Opportunity Owner (which is almost never the provisioner, it's usually a salesperson). By using our trigger we can dynamically set the Task owner to the Opportunity provisioner.



There are a couple of enhancement requests in the ideas queue...they seem almost 2 years old...