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Ketan Solanki29Ketan Solanki29 

Rich Text Area Fields with Some weird characters like Ã?Â

i have one Notes Rich Text Area field on Opportunity. While i am entering some text copied from word or email dody.i am getting some weird characters like




This characters creates probelm to show this opportunity data to my superior why this characters are comming into the the text content enered by me.


Please help me to remove this characters from rich text area fields.




Subhani PSubhani P



The Rich text Area field on salesforce has certain limitation and it's always good to enter the text by keyword than copying and pasting from any other resources.


for more reference use the following link


Salesforce Certified Developer,


Hi Ketan, 


Usually when we copy text from any other editor like word and paste in Salesforce rich text editor we see some invalid characters as the Encoding and Unicoding of those characters is different in different editors as thier character coding is done in different byte space - few in double byte etc which is not the same for all the editors. 

A work around would be pasting into a simple notepad and then pasting it in Salesforce. 

Few of these issues are related to optimal browser settings, or clearing the cache in your browser history.


Also, you may try changing the Encoding of your Editor to UTF -8 and 16, which matches the Salesforce editor default text encoding. 


