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Rename Tabs and Labels in managed package

I am playing with the translation workbench and a managed package.


It seems that you cannot rename the "Tab Name" and "Display Name" for a custom object when you install the package in an org where the translation workbench is enabled.


It works for any other field but not this one, the edit link is not displayed.


Is there a reason for this or did I miss something ?




did you found any solution for this?


This is at the top of google searches on this so I wanted to update this old thread that it is in fact possible to do so under the Setup > Customize > Tab Names and Labels section.


You can rename fields from a managed package under the Setup > Translation Workbench > Override menu (plug for our wiki article:


Regarding the last reply, is this indeed possible? (Renaming custom tabs installed from a Managed package)
?  I'm looking at Setup -> Translation Workbench, but there is no Override manu.  Am I missing something?


Appreciate your response.


I routinely use Translation > Override to rename custom fields in a managed package, but it appears this is not possible for a custom object Tab.
John - DayBack.comJohn -
This does work for renaming the tab name used in a managed package. From Translation > Override, select your package, select Engish or your default language, and then select "Web Tab" as the Setup Component. You'll then see the tabs in your managed package and can enter a Custom Tab Label Override for each. (We needed this).
My organisation is using managed package and a standard field of the managed package has different name on the record vs page layout. Example, the field label is commencement date when I open a record. When I go to the Edit page layout, the same field is displayed as start date. I want to change the name i see on record to the same name that is on the Edit page layout screen.