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Use of '\n' for line feed in Error strings

Since visualForce doesn't have good  error handling for custom controllers, I am  writing some custom code show error messages.

My custom controller is editing a table.

In the code below, I am a trying to insert a line feed after every error using '\n'. 

However,  when error messages are output, there are no separate lines - it is one big error message. i have tried '\r' as well - doesn't work.

Any thoughts.

       } catch (DmlException e) {
for (Integer i = 0; i < e.getNumDml(); i++) { string[] fields = e.getDmlFields(i); //strip __c string field = fields[0].subString(0,fields[0].length()-3); integer row = e.getDmlIndex(i); String rowError = 'Row:' + (row+1) + ' Field:' + field + ':' + e.getDMLMessage(i); if (ErrorString[0] <> null) { ErrorString = ErrorString + '\n' + rowError; } else { ErrorString = 'ERROR:' + rowError + '\n'; } }


Hi GoForceGo,

Slash n is valid in all strings. I use the slash n all the time.

By the way, your code looks suspect in that there is no declaration for ErrorString and you evaluation of ErrorString[0]

'\n' doesn't seem to work for me. I get one large error string instead of desired line feed between errors.

ErrorString[0] - that issue doesn't exist in my code - I used an array of ErrorString - so my code internally always says ErrroString[0]. I had just cleaned up the code for this posting so as to not confuse the issue.

 I have  noticed the <> as well. Seems like it does the same thing as !=.

J KeenerJ Keener
Assuming you're displaying the string on a page, the /n doesn't process as a new line in html .  I use the following functions in a number of places to convert new line characters (/n) to <BR>.
public class String_Functions {

  public static String convertCRtoBR(String StringIn) {
    String result = '';

    if ((StringIn != null) && (StringIn != ''))
      List<String> StringLines = StringIn.split('\n',0);
      for (String StringLine : StringLines) 
        if ((result != '') && (StringLine != null)) {result += '<BR>';}
        if (StringLine != null) {result += StringLine;}
    return result;

  public static String convertBRtoCR(String StringIn) {
    String result = '';
    if ((StringIn != null) && (StringIn != ''))
      List<String> StringLines = StringIn.split('<BR>',0);
      for (String StringLine : StringLines) 
        if ((result != '') && (StringLine != null)) {result += '\n';}
        if (StringLine != null) {result += StringLine;}
    return result;

//Test Method 
  static testMethod void TestMe() {

    String result = '';
    result = convertCRtoBR('Test1\nTest2\nTest3');

    result = convertBRtoCR('Test1<BR>Test2<BR>Test3');

//The End

Thanks for the post.

I was hoping it would do it...

I get the string <br> in the output instead of line break. When I put \n, the system strips it out and I get no breaks

Perhaps it has something to do with the visualforce processing.

I am using the errorstring in the following fashion in a VisualForce page:

            <apex:outputPanel   rendered="{!errorOccured1}">
                 <apex:outputText value="{!ErrorString1}" />

J KeenerJ Keener

On your OutputText, add an escape="false" attribute, so the <BR> will render as html correctly.


Message Edited by J Keener on 05-13-2008 12:54 PM

Message Edited by J Keener on 05-13-2008 12:55 PM
Interestingly, I tried that just a few minutes ago...didn't work either...


For some reason, the following code will not properly escape the contents:



<apex:outputText escape="false">

 But the following code will escape contents:


<apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!someTextWithBRTags}"/>









The following worked fine for me.


The String was created in the Controller class with a combination of '\n<br/>'.

(Something like String str="This is line 1"+"\n<br/>"+"This is line2";)


I tried with this escape sequence as using only \n or only <br/> did not help me.


Setting the escape as false in Visualforce page is also needed for this to display correctly.

<apex:outputText value="{!str}" escape="false/>





Joseph Mckenzie 3Joseph Mckenzie 3
"\n" works for me when entering data to a chatter feed as where String.fromCharCode(13) only works in lightning but "\n" works in classic and lightning 😎