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Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response - Amazon S3 CopyObject



I am trying to integrate Amazon S3 and salesforce. I have created an Apex class from the S3 WSDl using WSDL2Apex. When the S3 copyObject method is invoked, I get the following exception 


System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element



However, the object copy from one bucket to another is successful. Can somebody help me with understanding this exception?


I tried debugging the using IDE and the response seems to be the one expected for a successful COPY operation.





Message Edited by trish on 03-03-2009 10:52 PM

Have you installed the for Amazon Web Services toolkit which includes the S3 apex class to invoke S3 web services.

The copyObject method is not specifically implemented yet, but you should see all the objects and web service methods commented out in the S3 class. 



I get the same error when I uncomment the CopyObject related code in the Amazon toolkit and invoke the CopyObject method. Here's the debug log from IDE -



20090304181936.038:AnonymousBlock: line 1, column 21: returning from end of method public AmazonS3<Constructor>(String, String) in 0 ms

20090304181936.038:AnonymousBlock: line 2, column 149: returning String from method public String signature(String, Datetime) in 1 ms

20090304181936.038:Class.S3.AmazonS3.CopyObject: line 537, column 13: Created Web Service callout to endpoint:

20090304181936.038:Class.S3.AmazonS3.CopyObject: line 537, column 13: Sending callout request

20090304181936.038:Class.S3.AmazonS3.CopyObject: line 537, column 13: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><env:Header /><env:Body><CopyObject xmlns=""><SourceBucket>Bucket1</SourceBucket><SourceKey>180.doc</SourceKey><DestinationBucket>Bucket2</DestinationBucket><DestinationKey>201.doc</DestinationKey><MetadataDirective>COPY</MetadataDirective><AWSAccessKeyId>xxxxxxx</AWSAccessKeyId><Timestamp>2009-03-04T18:19:36.043Z</Timestamp><Signature>skZI149rL2IAbWF1UJB8yoHulGk=</Signature></CopyObject></env:Body></env:Envelope>

20090304181936.038:Class.S3.AmazonS3.CopyObject: line 537, column 13: Reading callout response

20090304181936.038:Class.S3.AmazonS3.CopyObject: line 537, column 13: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsa=""><soapenv:Header><wsa:MessageID soapenv:mustUnderstand="0">uuid:057b1c50-08e9-11de-8570-f1ad314825ad</wsa:MessageID><wsa:To soapenv:mustUnderstand="0"></wsa:To></soapenv:Header><soapenv:Body><CopyObjectResponse xmlns=""><CopyObjectResponse xsi:type="ns1:CopyObjectResult" xmlns:ns1=""><LastModified>2009-03-04T18:19:37.000Z</LastModified><ETag>&quot;bcec79969e242ce0341f9931b982c611&quot;</ETag></CopyObjectResponse></CopyObjectResponse></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>

System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element


Message Edited by trish on 03-04-2009 10:22 AM
Message Edited by trish on 03-04-2009 10:23 AM

Hi Trish,

How did you manage to output this in your debug log? mine just says this

20090901072124.104:Class.Customers.CustomersSoap.AddCustomer: line 87, column 13: Sending callout request

20090901072124.104:Class.Customers.CustomersSoap.AddCustomer: line 87, column 13: Reading callout response


Hi Maxa,


I did the debugging using the "Execute Anonymous" feature on IDE. Details are in the link below. Look for the section Debugging WSDL2Apex


Message Edited by trish on 09-01-2009 09:48 AM
id id exacly this but it still does not show it, is there a debug command i must use for it?
e r i c.ax249e r i c.ax249
Everyone who reaches this thread trying to figure out how to view request/response xml from a callout in their sandbox, please promote this:
Message Edited by e r i c on 09-15-2009 09:23 AM

I'm also receiving this error using the S3 toolkit as supplied by Salesforce.  The problem as far as I can see is exactly what the error states.  The salesforce XML parser doesn't support the XML being returned.


Its beyond me why this Salesforce bug is not being fixed urgently.


Sorry I do realise this is an old post but did anyone end up finishing off the commented out functions in the apex-aws class.


I am particually looking for a working version of


public S3.GetObjectResult GetObject

I never found a full solution to this.  The best I could do was retrieve a text file from S3 (in a very dirty non recommended way).

I got it all working fine, but then I ended up running into all of the Governor Limits of 100Kb I think its 1Mb now and timeout limits for any decent sized file.


My final solution was instead to: use an external service to upload the file, and only use apex/visualforce to generate a presigned URL  and redirect the users browser to that URL. So I do not use SOAP/WebService calls from APEX at all.

A MeghnathiA Meghnathi

There are few mistakes in S3 class provided by Amazon toolkit.

Replace following class in your S3 class.

public class CopyObjectResponse_element {
        public S3.CopyObjectResult CopyObjectResponse;
        private String[] CopyObjectResponse_type_info = new String[]{'CopyObjectResponse','','CopyObjectResult','1','1','false'};
        private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'','true'};
        private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{'CopyObjectResponse'};


public S3.CopyObjectResult CopyObject(String SourceBucket,String SourceKey,String DestinationBucket,String DestinationKey,String MetadataDirective,S3.MetadataEntry[] Metadata,S3.AccessControlList AccessControlList,DateTime CopySourceIfModifiedSince,DateTime CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince,String[] CopySourceIfMatch,String[] CopySourceIfNoneMatch,String StorageClass,String AWSAccessKeyId,DateTime Timestamp,String Signature,String Credential) {
            S3.CopyObject_element request_x = new S3.CopyObject_element();
            S3.CopyObjectResponse_element response_x;
            request_x.SourceBucket = SourceBucket;
            request_x.SourceKey = SourceKey;
            request_x.DestinationBucket = DestinationBucket;
            request_x.DestinationKey = DestinationKey;
            request_x.MetadataDirective = MetadataDirective;
            request_x.Metadata = Metadata;
            request_x.AccessControlList = AccessControlList;
            request_x.CopySourceIfModifiedSince = CopySourceIfModifiedSince;
            request_x.CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince = CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince;
            request_x.CopySourceIfMatch = CopySourceIfMatch;
            request_x.CopySourceIfNoneMatch = CopySourceIfNoneMatch;
            request_x.StorageClass = StorageClass;
            request_x.AWSAccessKeyId = AWSAccessKeyId;
            request_x.Timestamp = Timestamp;
            request_x.Signature = Signature;
            request_x.Credential = Credential;
            Map<String, S3.CopyObjectResponse_element> response_map_x = new Map<String, S3.CopyObjectResponse_element>();
            response_map_x.put('response_x', response_x);
              new String[]{endpoint_x,
            response_x = response_map_x.get('response_x');
            return response_x.CopyObjectResponse;

Hope this will help you.
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