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Formula to list the Product names included in an opportunity as text in a field???

Is there any way to have a formula field that would do a simple list of the product names included on an opportunity?  Example: an opportunity has Widget A, Widget B and Widget C listed in opportunity products.  Would there be a way to populate a field through a formula or workflow rule just to show those product names?


The reason is that I am getting tons of questions for reports based on opportunties that do or do not have individual products or combinations of products.  SFDC as far as I can tell does not really do this (like trying to get a report that will exlude ALL opportunities that contain Widget C . . . if you exclude Widget C in a filter you still get opportunities that may have Widget A, Widget B and Widget C--but it just won't show the Widjet C rows).


If there is a way to "summarize" product names in a text field then I could see a way to do this.  Is there any hope?  Or another way to try and do this?




I had a similar need a while back and, with lots of help, I got close. Here's the thread about it:



My trigger would check box called Has Hardware if a product was in the hardware family. You could build on this to create a text field that listed all the products separated by commas. If you ever do get that working, could you please post the code here? Good luck! 

Thanks for the feedback, jakester . . . I'll take a look.  We don;t have any developers on our staff, so we're pretty scared of triggers (and we don't do much outside of workflow rules and that kind of thing).  But I will take a look at what you sent.
Yeah, triggers are not for lay-people. You really have to be a programmer to be able to write them. I wish I was smart like that!