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Multiple items found. Select from drop-down or click icon to refine search.



I'm facing this problem while creating an asset record. so if anyone knows that how to fix this than plz let me know. thanks.. in advance.................. :)




Ia there any lookup field or filter involved. Please elaborate.


Hi Vinita,


thanks for the consideration's a LookUp field. Whenever I create a new Opporotunity from the related list of asset detail page, it is populating the multiple assests........................


Please check if there is lookup filter applied on that lookup field, if yes check the filter.


No there is no lookup filter there.

ok, so in that field multiple assests are population and are you not able to choose one Or you will to get some limits Asset values?


Apologies if i misunderstood your requirement.

yes mean while a picklist appeared there and I can select one from multiple values but if i go to select than i can get confused in selections. the only thing I want that I don't want that error come there .... because it looks odd.....

Is it a multi select picklist? If you wish to populate some restrict some restricted values, then let me know the use case. I will help you in implementing that.

Let's just leave this and can you give any suggestion about the lookup filters.