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How to get COLUMN present in a View


I'm looking for a way to get All Columns present in a Custom View. I've implemented Custom Views on a List View Page of Records. I was able to display and filter records based on the View selected from the Dropdown, but since it is a VF page, I've static Columns defined in pageDatatable. So now, I need to know how can I create a pageBlockTable with n-Number of columns dynamically, based on the View Selected.

Any idea to any one, in which direction I should proceed further?

I think you are going to have to hand-roll this with something like a column for each potential field and a flag to render the column or not, but others may know better.

Hope this helps.
Yes, that's exactly is in my mind for implementation, but I Do No have any idea on how to Get All COLUMNS presented in Sleected View, I have FilterID for the selected View, but I do Not know how to read the column names using this FilterId value :(.

Any idea .. how to achieve that ....
Hi, Please let me know if you found solution for this. 



Please let me know if you were able to find the solution on this.


No ... couldn't find any solution for that ....