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Output field in a VF page, which is a lookup field, has no value

Hi everybody,

I have a master-detail relationship between 2 custom objects (Call_Plan_Line__c and Call_Plan_Line_Result__c). In the header of my page, I display datas from the master object, and particulary the name of the DC Center of the store, which is a lookup field to Account. This field is blank, although I know there is something in it (the Id of the account, I suppose).


Here is my code :

<apex:outputfield value="{!Call_Plan_Line__c.Delivery_DC__c}"/>

Here is the result :


I have tried this too :

<apex:outputfield value="{!Call_Plan_Line__c.Delivery_DC__r.Name}"/>

Here is the result :


Any help will be welcome !






Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Bob !


I have no problem with the field level security.


But I finally found a solution :


in the class :

in the constitution of the list of Call Plan Result, I added :

, Call_Plan_Line__r.Call_Plan_DC__r.Name


And in the VF Page :

<apex:outputfield value="{!Call_Plan_Line__c.Call_Plan_DC__r.Name}"/>


And now I see what I need to !

I am really a beginner on Sales Force, and it's quiet mysterious for me....


Anyway, thanks a lot for having answered !


All Answers


Have you checked field level security etc?  If you have, try just outputting the raw value from the field to the page, e.g.


Delivery DC field = {!Call_Plan_Line__c.Delivery_DC__c}


If the lookup is populated, the ID of the Account will be displayed.


Hi Bob !


I have no problem with the field level security.


But I finally found a solution :


in the class :

in the constitution of the list of Call Plan Result, I added :

, Call_Plan_Line__r.Call_Plan_DC__r.Name


And in the VF Page :

<apex:outputfield value="{!Call_Plan_Line__c.Call_Plan_DC__r.Name}"/>


And now I see what I need to !

I am really a beginner on Sales Force, and it's quiet mysterious for me....


Anyway, thanks a lot for having answered !


This was selected as the best answer

Would you please be more specific with your solution? Exactly what do you mean by:


in the constitution of the list of Call Plan Result, I added :


Where did you wrote that in the class? Thank you!