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Post Chatter message to new user

When I create a new User, is there a way I can have a default Chatter message when they go to their Chatter page?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Apparently to post as one User to another User, you change the CreatedById.... Kinda foolish since usually this is a read only field.

All Answers


Hi Damien,

     You can create an after insert trigger on User. In this trigger insert a feed item with the following attributes:

           Body=Default message

          parent id=user id.


     Hope it helps.


Thanks and Regards



That was actually the first thing I looked into and it gives an error.  


Instead, I put it into another class as a static method with the @future annotation.  This worked.  I still wonder if there is any other way to do it without a trigger also.


Apparently to post as one User to another User, you change the CreatedById.... Kinda foolish since usually this is a read only field.

This was selected as the best answer