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Chatter Feed Tracking for Notes & Attachments




Why does not chatter notify us when we make changes into note section or add any notes and attachment to custom object.


Bur when we attach file through chatter, chatter enables feed tracking for those files.


But it does not keep tracking for notes and attachment section for custom objects?? Is there any workaround to feed for notes and attachments?


Thanks and Regards,

Devendra S

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Devendra,

If you take look at the screen from where chatter is enabled you will notice that is contains list of all standard and custom objects, but there is no mention of notes and attachments.

Also since users are tracked and uploading a file is an action by the user hence its tracked. 


Hope this answers your query..

All Answers


Hi Devendra,

If you take look at the screen from where chatter is enabled you will notice that is contains list of all standard and custom objects, but there is no mention of notes and attachments.

Also since users are tracked and uploading a file is an action by the user hence its tracked. 


Hope this answers your query..

This was selected as the best answer


Hi Ispita,


Yes, there is no option for including Notes and Attachment while we enable chatter for difference object.


I was looking to display chatter feed when user adds new note/attachment for record.  But i guess, there is no option available for this. It would be greate if SF enables this feature.


What is your take on this?


Thanks and Regards,

Devendra S



Hi devendra,

I think it would be great to have this feature , do post it was an idea in idea exchange , it may be considered by salesforce in coming releases.

In the interim if my answer did answer your query to mark it a sa solution.




Hi Ispita,


Thank you very much.


Thanks and Regards,

Devendra S



Hi Ispita,


SF does not provide the feature of chatter feeding for Notes and Attachments.


Is there any workaround for this. So that we can display notes and attachments into Chatter feeding?



Devendra S

Hi Devendra, This can be done using chatter triggers. Thanks, Devika


Hi Devika,


I have never worked on chatter trigger before. Can you please give some direction on this?


Thanks and Regards,

Devendra S


Hi devika,


can you post  the trigger code here ?


Hi Devendra,


Following code is for notes insert/delete.


trigger notesTrigger on Note ( after insert, after update, after delete) {
feedPost f= new feedPost();
f.body=((Trigger.isInsert) ? 'New' : 'Updated') +'Note'+ ' '+ a.title +' ' +'is added ';
insert f;
for(Note a:trigger.old){
feedPost f= new feedPost();
f.body=((Trigger.isDelete) ? 'Note' : 'Deleted') + ' '+ a.title +' ' +'is deleted ';
insert f;



Just a few changes for attachments.Hope it helps.


Robby IbrahimRobby Ibrahim
FeedPost has been renamed to FeedItem but I'm getting an error on the code above even after changing the names out. Would anyone post a new solution please? 

Error: Compile Error: Incorrect SObject type: Note should be FeedItem at line 1 column 1