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SS KarthickSS Karthick 

how to run sosl ??

Hi Everybody,
      Can anyone tell me how to run SOSL query in salesforce like soql in query editor know
Thanks in advance
Best Answer chosen by SS Karthick
Surya KiranSurya Kiran
Find {sample text} in all fields returning Account(id,name)

All Answers

Surya KiranSurya Kiran
Find {sample text} in all fields returning Account(id,name)
This was selected as the best answer
Surya KiranSurya Kiran
you can write in same query editor in developer console
sfdc Beginnersfdc Beginner
Click on the Query Editor Tab and write the SOSL QUERY, In order to execute the SOSL Query click the Execute Button which is present at the left hand side bottom.
Ramakrishnan AyyanarRamakrishnan Ayyanar
Query Editor in Developer Console


 Find {test} in all fields returning Lead(id,name),Contact(Name),Account(Name)