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Sowmitra VikramSowmitra Vikram 

Using Formula Fields


I have an issue with the Formulas and Validations trailhead module. I created the formula field as described in the challenge and it does give the correct value (atleast as per my understading). The formula is to calculate the no of days between the last activity date on the account associated with the case and today's date. So if the account associated with the case was last modified on 4/13/2016 and today is the 5/3/2016, so the difference comes to be 20 using the formula [ (Today() - DATEVALUE(Account.LastModifiedDate)) ]. But the challenge checker does not validate this result successfully. I also tried increasing and descreasing the value by 1 to account for exclusion of either the start date or end date and then again decremet 2 to exclude both dates, but nothing seems to satisfy the challenge. Am I doing something wrong here?

Please advise.
Best Answer chosen by Sowmitra Vikram
Shukla YogeshShukla Yogesh
Hi Sowmitra,

Enter below details:

Field Label: Days Since Last Update
Field Name: Days_Since_Last_Update

Return Type: Number
Decimal Places: 0

In the formula enter:   TODAY() -  Account.LastActivityDate

Please let me know if you have any issue. Please mark it as an answer if it helped you.

All Answers

Shukla YogeshShukla Yogesh
Hi Sowmitra,

Enter below details:

Field Label: Days Since Last Update
Field Name: Days_Since_Last_Update

Return Type: Number
Decimal Places: 0

In the formula enter:   TODAY() -  Account.LastActivityDate

Please let me know if you have any issue. Please mark it as an answer if it helped you.
This was selected as the best answer
Sowmitra VikramSowmitra Vikram
Thanks. That helped.
Shukla YogeshShukla Yogesh
No problem!! Please mark as Best Answer if it has solved your problem.
