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Katharine Anderson 13Katharine Anderson 13 

Issues parsing JSON response from Box

I'm new to coding and I'm having trouble figuring out how to parse the JSON response from Box. What I want to do is to do a callout to box, and then return a list of the items (files) in a folder and then print that list into a visualforce page. I it to show like a related list with the name of the item, the name of the person who uploaded it, and the date that they uploaded it. I also want to filter the list to only show the ones that have been uploaded in the last year.

I found this code in the Box SDK for Salesforce that is their JSON Parser, but I am not sure that I understand it well enough to try to use it:

Can you help me figure out if this is useful for me and how to plug it into my code if so? Currently, when I try, I get this error: EXCEPTION_THROWN [29]|BoxJsonObject.BoxJsonObjectException: Json passed to BoxJsonObject.parseJsonStringArray must start with JSONToken.START_ARRAY

Here is the code that I am currently using that returns the error. Ideally, I would do the callout to Box when the Visualforce page is rendered and then I wouldn't have to store the list in Salesforce and update it before rendering the visualforce page, but I'm not sure if that's possible:
global with sharing class GetMonitoringDocuments {
//instantiate controller
  public GetMonitoringDocuments(ApexPages.StandardController controller){}
//declare variables
  public String folderId {get;set;}
  public String piId {get;set;}
  public String aiId {get;set;}
  public List<ID> ids = new List<ID> {};
//future necessary because it's an http callout to Box using Named Credentials
//Not sure how to filter the list to only show items/files that were uploaded in the monitoring year
@future (callout=true)  
public static void getFolderItems(ID aiId, ID piId, String folderId){
	Http http = new Http();
	HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
	req.setEndpoint('callout:BoxForSalesforce/folders/' + folderId + '/items?fields=name,created_at,created_by,shared_link');
	HttpResponse response = http.send(req);
	system.debug('HttpResponse=>' + response);
//lookup annual inspection record to update
	Annual_Inspection__c AI = [SELECT ID, Monitoring_Documentation__c, Update_Monitoring_Documentation__c
                              FROM Annual_Inspection__c 
                              WHERE ID =: aiId];
 // Update the folder monitoring documentation field with the Parsed JSON (currently getting an error: EXCEPTION_THROWN [29]|BoxJsonObject.BoxJsonObjectException: Json passed to BoxJsonObject.parseJsonStringArray must start with JSONToken.START_ARRAY) 
 //Ideally, rather than putting the parsed JSON into a field, I would want to make the callout when the visualforce page is rendered and then just show it there rather than storing the list in Salesforce.
    BoxJsonObject json = new BoxJsonObject();
    list<String> parsedJSON = json.parseJsonStringArray(response.getBody());
    AI.Monitoring_Documentation__c = string.join(parsedJSON,'BR()');
    AI.Update_Monitoring_Documentation__c = False;

//Commit the changes.
    update AI;
//Make it an invocable method so that it can be called by process builder. The code is then run when a checkbox is checked on the record.
@InvocableMethod(label='Get Folder Items' description='Returns the list of folder items.')
  public static void getAIIDs(List<ID> ids) {
    List<Annual_Inspection__c> AIlist = [SELECT id, property_interest__c, Property_Interest__r.MDFolderId__c FROM Annual_Inspection__c WHERE Id in :ids];
    for (Annual_Inspection__c AIs : AIlist) {
      GetMonitoringDocuments.getFolderItems(, AIs.property_interest__c, AIs.Property_Interest__r.MDFolderId__c);

Oh and just in case it's useful, here's the unparsed JSON response that I'm working with (with IDs and actual email addresses redacted):
{"total_count":3,"entries":[{"type":"file","id":"230638187456","etag":"0","name":"Preserve preliminary monitoring report 2016.docx","created_at":"2017-09-27T16:16:20-07:00","created_by":{"type":"user","id":"xxxxxxxxxxx","name":"Tester Katharine Anderson","login":""},"shared_link":null},{"type":"file","id":"xxxxxxxxxxx","etag":"0","name":"Preserve site visit 28 August 2015.docx","created_at":"2017-09-27T16:16:19-07:00","created_by":{"type":"user","id":"xxxxxxxxxxx","name":"Tester Katharine Anderson","login":""},"shared_link":null},{"type":"file","id":"xxxxxxxxxxx","etag":"0","name":"Posting Authorship pre-2018.csv","created_at":"2017-09-27T16:16:19-07:00","created_by":{"type":"user","id":"xxxxxxxxxxx","name":"Tester Katharine Anderson","login":""},"shared_link":null}],"offset":0,"limit":100,"order":[{"by":"type","direction":"ASC"},{"by":"name","direction":"ASC"}]}