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external web app integration


I am building an app external to Salesforce but I want the app to read and write data to a custom object in salesforce via an API. However the app will be available to authenticated users in Salesforce only via a web tab or a Visualforce tab (embedded app). According to the doc I need to docs I need to setup OAuth to allow users to access the Rest APIs:

In the Connected App configuration, we are require to define a callback url. This is the first time I am using OAUth. Do I need to create a web page for the callback? What url to use. Is it to a page in my app or a page in salesforce.

Also, I want the users to access the app and the data through Salesforce without requiring to login each time or have to accept a callback each time. So How can I use SSO with Rest web methods that is transparent to the end users

How to make the external app visible to logged in users from a web tab. I tried different web pages and it is always blank  without needing to use Canvas

Rahul KumarRahul Kumar (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Kevlangdo,

May I suggest you please refer the below link to reference. hope it helps.

Please mark it as best answer if the information is informative.

Rahul Kumar
Hello, Thanks for information. I have already read those posts before posting to the forum. These don't tell me how to define a callback URL. Do I provide a static endpoint?, Do I create a custom web page? The Canvas Developer Guide doesn't provide enough step-by-step instructions with detailed examples to be useful Also, another point which I forgot to mention, we have business partner that shares opportunities with us. They connect to our Salesforce org via Dell Boomi. This is a system to system data transfer. If I want to use a REST API, how do you implement a callback url to allow access. Thanks Kevin
Amtulla GatebohriAmtulla Gatebohri
I too have same set of questions. How to authenticate a salesforce person using SSO. Do i need to configure connected app? & What would be the call back URl?
Neel YangNeel Yang
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