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How to write a test class ?

Can any body please suggest how to write a test class for the below code, I am new to Test Class:-

public class QuotePDFController
   public QuotePDFController() 

    public String Total;
    public String DiscountTotal;
    public String Quote { get; set; }
    public String quoteId {get; set; } 
    public List<Quote> quoteList { get; set; }
    public List<ProductLineItem__c> productLineItems { get; set; }
    public Map<Id, List<ProductLineItem__c>> quotePLIMap { get; set; }
    Set<Id> quoteIds = new Set<Id>();
    Map<Id, Quote> qtMap = new Map<Id, Quote>();
    public QuotePDFController(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
     quoteId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get(ID);
        quoteList = [SELECT Id,
                            (Select Name,
                                 from  Quote_Texts__r)
                            FROM Quote where id =:quoteId ];
        quotePLIMap = new Map<Id, List<ProductLineItem__c>>();
        if(quoteList.size() > 0)
                 for(Quote qt : quoteList)
                       qtMap.put(qt.Id, qt);
            productLineItems = [SELECT Id,
                                       (SELECT Name,
                                               FROM Special_Freight__r)
                                       FROM ProductLineItem__c WHERE CBG_QuoteName__c =:quoteId];
            system.debug('PLI List is ' + productLineItems);

Please find below code to create test class:
public class QuotePDFController {
    public static testMethod void testQuotePDFController()
        //Insert or Update your records here
In place of comment you can insert or update your records. In your case you need to insert  ​Quote , Quote_Texts__c, ProductLineItem__c, Special_Freight__c  records and link those records.

Please mark as best answer if helped.
