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ramesh kalluru 1ramesh kalluru 1 

i have vf page in that page passing account id has a parameter while converting into lighting its not working as expected please help me out

Hi team,
i am new to lighting please help me following scenorio .
i have vf page in that page passing account id has a parameter  while converting into lighting its not working as expected please help me out 
Manish  ChoudhariManish Choudhari
Hi Ramesh,

Can you please post your code so that I can get clear idea about the issue here. Ary opening your visualforce page in Lightning Experience or you are writing lightning component.

In case you are writing lightning component than we can force:hasRecordId  interface for lightning component whihc will automatically pick up the the recordId.

If it is any other issue, please paste your code and provide more details about the issue.

ramesh kalluru 1ramesh kalluru 1
Hi Manish, here what i am doing i create quick action in that quick action i am keeping my vf pages but it's not working is there any alternative ways even i tried in iframe in lighting components i am getting error please help me some one
Manish  ChoudhariManish Choudhari
Hi Ramesh,

Try to include console log in your visualforce code or debug log in your controller to check what value you are getting for ID. Based on which you can change your logic.
It would be nice if you could post the code here, I would be able to help you out.
If you are getting any error, than please paste here, if not try including debug logs in your as suggested above to check what value you are getting for Id.

ramesh kalluru 1ramesh kalluru 1
Hi Team, CMP: JS: ({ doInit : function(component, event, helper) { var recordId = component.get("v.recordId"); var URL =''+recordId ; console.log(url); component.set("v.component",URL); } }) ERROR MES: in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin please help me out
Abdul KhatriAbdul Khatri
Hi namesh,

Since I am not sure why are you using action to work with Visualforce page. You might need to use the following component in your lightning page to show the Vusialforce page

User-added image
Drop this component to the lightning page of the object visualforce page belogs too. Then select the visualforce page to be shown. Please make sure you select the following checkbox for the visualforce page

User-added image

this will automatically handled all the ids you are getting into the paramenter.

Please let me know if it helped. If not then please share little more details what exactly you are trying to do so that better help can be provided. Thanks.
Abdul KhatriAbdul Khatri
If you wanted to show the visualforce page looks like lightinng add the following attribute to the visualforce page 
<apex:page  lightningStylesheets="true"
Abdul KhatriAbdul Khatri
Was I able to helped?