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Im not able to verify the my community site in google search console

We have a community and its having public access. we are trying to make the this site content as google searchable.  I have tried all the ways to verify the site by Google Console 
1. Using Meta data Tag
2. DNS 
3. HTML file 
4. Writing new VF page for Heager as 
<apex:page applyHtmlTag="false" applyBodyTag="false" showHeader="false">
<head> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="6gVRigIo4j09qSdIjONNEogH1YCIxxxfFITHPbZWnqM" />
<title> My title </title>

But still Im not able to verify my site in google web master tool.
Can any one help me to get my site verified by Google.
Appriciate your help.

karthikeyan perumalkarthikeyan perumal

have you tried these steps  from Google search console ?

User-added image
Did you place the Meta Tag in the head mark up under Community Builder - Settings - Advance - Head mark up?
User-added image

That's how I verify communities for my clients and how i verified mine in the Google Search Console.
Joseph Daily 40Joseph Daily 40
I'm having the same problem, haven't discovered a solution. Can't get Search Console to verify our Commnuity site. 
Will EtlingWill Etling
Same problem here and have tried every method.
Will EtlingWill Etling
OK, it seems the issue here is that Search Console requests a mobile-friendly version of the Community home page. For some reason the <meta> tags that I added in the <head> are not being returned when I request the URL as a mobile device. Might be due to caching?
Kamal BrijwasiKamal Brijwasi
Hi Nagesh, did you finally find the solution?

I am facing the same problem. Able to verify sanbox community but not production one.
Snail JortsSnail Jorts
None of the available methods will work, here is why:

HTML file
Upload an HTML file to your website
- You can not upload an html file to the root of a Salesforce Communities hosted domain. Everything at the root is redirected to /s/. 

Other verification methods
HTML tag
Add a meta tag to your site's home page

- I'm not sure why this doesn't work, though it may be because the User-Agent Google Search Console uses to verify receives a different version of the page from Salesforce's service, ex, Googlebot receives a cached version of the page that can contain additional meta/opengraph fields that the SPA-style version desktop and mobile browsers receive do no. In any event, the HTML tags are not able to be detected, even if the property is configured as yourdomain.tld/s/ in the GSC settings.

Google Analytics
Use your Google Analytics account
Google Tag Manager
Use your Google Tag Manager account
- It looks like these won't work for the same reasons above, and/or the everything /s/ for Salesforce has to live under /s/ prevents GSC from reaching it.

Domain name provider
Associate a DNS record with Google
- This one is especially tricky and misunderstood. Salesforce Lighning Communities relies on CNAME records in DNS for the hosting to respond to potential server changes like when servers in a cluster go down or differnt types of redundancy issues. GSC asks that a TXT record be added, but both TXT and CNAME records can not exist for the same domain name, so this is still a no-go.

So, SF support, what can we do?
Craig Johnson 19Craig Johnson 19
A couple of things, if you add the top-level domain to Google Search Console first, I think it will automatically verify any subdomain. So you would add for example '' as a search console 'property' and then add the TXT record value it provides to the top level of your DNS settings. From there once you verify the top level then the subdomains should automatically be verified.
The HTML tag verification will have a delay because after adding the tag to the head section and publishing, the content snapshot (version served to search engines) should be manually refreshed which could take 24 hours or more.

I would recommend DNS verification first. That link regarding content snapshots is a good read however because it is a critical lesser-known concept that comes into play when you are trying to set up and verify meta tags (for example).
浩一 石部 9浩一 石部 9
Use the solution written here! Then you'll be able to verify.
<apex:page applyHtmlTag="false" applyBodyTag="false" showHeader="false">
Bruno PalmaBruno Palma
Hi all,

tried all sugestions below without luck. Any update on this? Thank you in advance.