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Violeta Grigorova 3Violeta Grigorova 3 

Creating a Package - VisualForce page is missing

I created a new VisualForce page - an exact copy of the last one I developed, but with a different name and the same controller code, but with a different name. So, now I want to create a new package (due to the last one not working properly with constantly changing names of classes following a naming convention). But I cannot see my new page in the Package Manager. I could see it in the list of VF pages in Setup and I have assigned all the neccessary user permissions to it. Why am I not able to see it in the list in the Package Manager, this is strange to me, as I am following the exact same procedure and order of doing things as before. Any ideas would be appreciated.
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Vloleta,

Sorry for this issue you are encountering.

May I request you please confirm are you sure it's not already in the manifest? If the page has dependencies on existing objects, it would have been automatically included. 

Please double check.

happy to help further.


Violeta Grigorova 3Violeta Grigorova 3
Hi, Nagendra,

By manifest do you mean the list of available pages/classes etc. within the Package Manager?
Violeta Grigorova 3Violeta Grigorova 3
So, what I am trying to add is a VisualForce page and when added it automatically adds its controller. The problem is I cannot see the page itself. I just tried creating a blank page (nothing inside) and see it will appear, but apparantly it is not appearing either. I enabled all possible profiles. May be I must enable something else? –