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standard controller in visualforce email

Thanks to the help from a 2011 post (special thanks to contributor bob_buzzard)I was able to successfully create 2 Visualforce pages that work together to display a related list that is 2 relationships away. Page1 passes a value to Page2, Page2 then gets the field data from the related list and passes the list back to Page1 via the use of iFrame. The pages work perfect!, I simply launch Page1 from the Object. However my real need is to get the list on Page1 into a Visualforce email template. I am on Group Edition which unfortunately only allws Standard Controllers. Can this be done? I have spent more hours on this than I care to admit, any help would be appreciated. Below is my code:
<apex:page sidebar="false" title="List" showHeader="false" standardController="Case">  
   <apex:outputText value="{!Case.Job_Name__c}" rendered="false" />
   <apex:iframe src="/apex/Page2?id={!Case.Job_Name__c}" />

<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" standardController="Interior_Job__c">
   <apex:dataTable value="{!Interior_Job__c.SSV_Link__r}" var="d">
  <apex:column headerValue="Vendors List" value="{!d.Vendors.Name}"/>