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stuart gaganstuart gagan 

Java Script Code not working in google chrome but works fine with Mozilla

stuart gaganstuart gagan
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$(lensElem.children).remove('[value="Network Map"]'); setIE8(); } $(document).ready(function(){ installContactSearch(); installConnectionFilters(); installPrintingFeatures(); installLensFeatures(); installSearchFeatures(); Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.Themes.BingTheme'); $("#viewMore").click(function(ev){ y = ev.clientY; show(); window.setTimeout(function() { hide(); }, 2000); }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // start & finish: required Microsoft.Maps.Location objects // arcHeight: required double latitude degrees // skew: required double left-right degrees // color: optional Microsoft.Maps.Color for line; default = red // width: optional integer line width; default = 2 // upDown: optional string 'up' or 'down'; default = 'up' // numSegments: optional int number of segments to use for line; default = 10 // see for the math function generateBezierCurve(start, finish, arcHeight, skew, color, width, upDown, numSegments) { if (typeof color == 'undefined') { var color = new Microsoft.Maps.Color(255,255,0,0); } if (typeof width == 'undefined') { var width = 2; } if (typeof upDown == 'undefined') { var upDown = 'up'; } if (typeof numSegments == 'undefined') { var numSegments = 10; } if (start.longitude > finish.longitude) { // adjust so start is to the left of finish var temp = start; start = finish; finish = temp; } if (numSegments < 2) numSegments = 2; var midLon = (finish.longitude - start.longitude) / 2.0; var midLat = (finish.latitude - start.latitude) / 2.0; if (Math.abs(start.longitude - finish.longitude) < 0.0001) { // nearly vertical if (upDown == 'up') midLon -= arcHeight; else midLon += arcHeight; midLat += skew; } else { // 'normal' case, not vertical if (upDown == 'up') midLat += arcHeight; else midLat -= arcHeight; midLon += skew; } var tDelta = 1.0 / numSegments; var lons = new Array(); // 'x' values for (t = 0.0; t <= 1.0; t += tDelta) { var firstTerm = (1.0 - t * t) * start.longitude; var secondTerm = 2.0 * (1.0 - t) * t * midLon; var thirdTerm = t * t * finish.longitude; var B = firstTerm + secondTerm + thirdTerm; lons.push(B); } var lats = new Array(); // 'y' values for (t = 0.0; t <= 1.0; t += tDelta) { var firstTerm = (1.0 - t * t) * start.latitude; var secondTerm = 2.0 * (1.0 - t) * t * midLat; var thirdTerm = t * t * finish.latitude; var B = firstTerm + secondTerm + thirdTerm; lats.push(B); } var points = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < lats.length; ++i) { points.push(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(lats[i], lons[i])); } var curve = new Microsoft.Maps.Polyline(points, { strokeColor: color, strokeThickness: width, visible: true }); return curve; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function refreshColumnSorting() { $( '.tablesorter' ).tablesorter( { cssHeader : 'tableHeader', widgets: ['zebra']}); } function installSearchFeatures(){ $("input[type='text']").on("click", function () { $(this).select(); }); } function installPrintingFeatures(){ $(".printview").click(function(){ var contactId = $.trim(document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactId}").value); if(contactId != ''){ var lensElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.lensForm.lensList}'); var divContentToPrint = ''; var divToPrintWidth = 400; var divToPrintHeight = 400; switch($(lensElem).val()){ case "Network Map": toPDF(); break; case "Geo Map": // Print geo map divToPrintWidth = $("#map").width(); divToPrintHeight = $("#map").height(); divContentToPrint = $("#map").html(); break; } if(divContentToPrint != ''){ var'','Print-Window','width=' + divToPrintWidth + ',height=' + divToPrintHeight + ',top=100,left=100');; newWin.document.write('<html><body onload="window.print()">' + divContentToPrint + '</body></html>'); newWin.document.close(); setTimeout(function(){newWin.close();},10); } } }); } function installConnectionFilters(){ $(".checkbox-filter").each(function(i, elem){ $(elem).prop('checked', true); connectionFilters.push($(elem).val()); }); } function setConnectionFilter(connection, selected){ if(selected){ connectionFilters.push(connection); } else { connectionFilters = jQuery.grep(connectionFilters, function(elementOfArray, indexInArray){ return elementOfArray != connection; }); } var jsonFiltersElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.myForm.jsonFilters}'); $(jsonFiltersElem).val(JSON.stringify(connectionFilters)); var lensElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.lensForm.lensList}'); var lensValue = $(lensElem).val(); switch(lensValue){ case "Network Map": callNetworkMap(); break; case "Geo Map": var nmElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.networkMap}'); $(nmElem).css('display', 'none'); doGeoSearch(); break; } } function doGeoSearch(){ var filtersJSON = JSON.stringify(connectionFilters); var searchTerm = $.trim($(".txtSearch").val()); var contactId = $.trim(document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactId}").value); if(contactId != ''){ Visualforce.remoting.Manager.invokeAction( '{!$RemoteAction.MappingModule.retrieveContactConnections}', contactId, filtersJSON, searchTerm, function(result, event){ if(event.status) { var connectedContacts = JSON.parse(result.replace(/(&quot\;)/g,"\"")); var contactPins = new Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection(); var contactConnLines = new Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection(); var contactInfoboxes = new Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection(); var selectedContactLocation = getSelectedContactLocation(); // Connections table // Table header var contactName = $.trim(document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactName}").value); var tableMarkup = '<table class="tablesorter" style="border-spacing: 0; width: 100%; border: 2px solid #245c8a; border-radius: 10px; padding: 5px; border-collapse: separate;">\r\n'; tableMarkup += '<thead><tr><th>KOL</th><th>Connection</th><th>Object</th>'; //var $table = $('<table class="tablesorter" style="border-spacing: 0; width: 100%; border: 2px solid #245c8a; border-radius: 10px; padding: 5px; border-collapse: separate;">'); //$table.append('<thead>').children('thead').append('<tr />').children('tr').append('<th>KOL</th><th>Connection</th><th>Object</th>'); if(searchTerm != ''){ //$table.children('thead').children('tr').append('<th>Matches</th>'); tableMarkup += '<th>Matches</th>'; } tableMarkup += '<th>&nbsp;</th></tr></thead>\r\n'; //$table.children('thead').children('tr').append('<th></th>'); // Table body //var $tbody = $table.append('<tbody />').children('tbody'); tableMarkup += '<tbody>\r\n'; // Will generate a pushpin and a line for each connected contact for(var i=0; i < connectedContacts.length; i++){ var contact = connectedContacts[i]; if(contact.longitude != 0 || contact.latitude != 0){ var contactLocation = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(contact.latitude, contact.longitude); // Generate the html for the infobox // Contact title $("#connContactInfoBoxTitle").html(; // Contact image if(typeof contact.image_id !== 'undefined' && contact.image_id != ''){ $("#connContactInfoBoxImage").attr("src", "/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=" + contact.image_id); $("#connContactInfoBoxImage").css("display", "block"); $("#imgNotAvailable").css("display", "none"); } else { $("#imgNotAvailable").attr("src", contact.unknownperson_image); $("#imgNotAvailable").css("display", "block"); $("#connContactInfoBoxImage").css("display", "none"); } // Phisician Speciality $("#connContactInfoBoxSpec").html(contact.speciality); // Contact address line 1 and 2 if($.trim(contact.address_line_1) == '' && $.trim(contact.address_line_2) == '' && $.trim( == '' && $.trim(contact.state) == '' && $.trim(contact.postal_code) == '' && $.trim( == ''){ $("#connContactInfoBoxAddr1").html('No address known'); } else { $("#connContactInfoBoxAddr1").html(contact.address_line_1); $("#connContactInfoBoxAddr2").html(contact.address_line_2); // Contact city, state, postal code and country $("#connContactInfoBoxCity").html(; $("#connContactInfoBoxState").html(contact.state); $("#connContactInfoBoxPostalCode").html(contact.postal_code); $("#connContactInfoBoxCountry").html(; } // Info about the connections var connInfo = ''; // Loop through connections $.each(contact.connections, function(index, connElem){ connInfo += '<div style="width:auto;">' + + ': ' + connElem.count + '</div>'; $.each(connElem.connectionsList, function(cIndex, item){ // add row /* $tbody.append('<tr />').children('tr:last') .append('<td><a href="/' + contactId + '" target="_blank">' + contactName + '</a></td>') .append('<td><a href="/' + + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></td>') .append("<td>" + + "</td>");*/ tableMarkup += '<tr><td><a href="/' + contactId + '" target="_blank">' + contactName + '</a></td>\r\n'; tableMarkup += '<td><a href="/' + + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></td>\r\n'; tableMarkup += '<td>' + + '</td>\r\n'; if(searchTerm != ''){ // Each match var matches = ''; if(typeof item.matches !== 'undefined'){ $.each(item.matches, function(mIndex, matchElem){ matches += '<p>' + matchElem.content + '</p>'; }); } tableMarkup += '<td class="matchResult">' + matches + '</td>\r\n'; //$tbody.children('tr:last').append('<td class="matchResult">' + matches + '</td>'); } //$tbody.children('tr:last').append('<td><a href="/' + item.recordId + '" target="_blank">View</a></td>'); tableMarkup += '<td><a href="/' + item.recordId + '" target="_blank">View</a></td></tr>\r\n'; }); }); $("#connContactInfoBoxConnections").html(connInfo); // add table to dom $("#geoSearchResults").html(tableMarkup); //$table.appendTo('#geoSearchResults') refreshColumnSorting(); $('.matchResult p:containsIgnoreCase(' + searchTerm + ')').each(function() { var text = $(this).text(); text = text.highLight(searchTerm); $(this).html(text); }); var infoboxHtml = '<div id="connContactInfoBox' + + '" style="background-color: #FFF; width:auto;font-size: 11px;" class="rounded-corners">' + $("#connContactInfoBox").html() + '</div>'; var infobox = new Microsoft.Maps.Infobox(contactLocation, { visible: false, showCloseButton: true, showPointer: true, htmlContent: infoboxHtml }); contactInfoboxes.push(infobox); // Now we create the point var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(contactLocation, { draggable: false, width: 32, height: 32, icon: "{!JSENCODE(contactMapIcon)}", infobox: infobox }); // Attach click event handler to the pin, which will show the Infobox Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin, 'click', function(e){ var iBox =; iBox.setOptions({visible: true}); if(pinInfobox != null){ hideInfobox(null); } pinInfobox = iBox; //A buffer limit to use to specify the infobox must be away from the edges of the map. var buffer = 25; var infoboxOffset = pinInfobox.getOffset(); var infoboxAnchor = pinInfobox.getAnchor(); var infoboxLocation = map.tryLocationToPixel(, Microsoft.Maps.PixelReference.control); var dx = infoboxLocation.x + infoboxOffset.x - infoboxAnchor.x; var dy = infoboxLocation.y - 25 - infoboxAnchor.y; if (dy < buffer) { //Infobox overlaps with top of map. //Offset in opposite direction. dy *= -1; //add buffer from the top edge of the map. dy += buffer; } else { //If dy is greater than zero than it does not overlap. dy = 0; } if (dx < buffer) { //Check to see if overlapping with left side of map. //Offset in opposite direction. dx *= -1; //add a buffer from the left edge of the map. dx += buffer; } else { //Check to see if overlapping with right side of map. dx = map.getWidth() - infoboxLocation.x + infoboxAnchor.x - pinInfobox.getWidth(); //If dx is greater than zero then it does not overlap. if (dx > buffer) { dx = 0; } else { //add a buffer from the right edge of the map. dx -= buffer; } } //Adjust the map so infobox is in view if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { map.setView({ center: }); } }); contactPins.push(pin); var line = generateBezierCurve(selectedContactLocation, contactLocation, 10, 10, Microsoft.Maps.Color.fromHex(contact.color), 3); contactConnLines.push(line); } } if(map != null){ var selectedContactPin = map.entities.removeAt(0); map.entities.clear(); map.entities.push(selectedContactPin); map.entities.push(contactPins); map.entities.push(contactConnLines); map.entities.push(contactInfoboxes); } } } ); } } function hideInfobox(e) { if(pinInfobox != null){ pinInfobox.setOptions({ visible: false }); pinInfobox = null; } } function installContactSearch(){ var contactField = document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactName}"); $(contactField).autocomplete({ source: function(request, response){ Visualforce.remoting.Manager.invokeAction( '{!$RemoteAction.MappingModule.retrieveContacts}', request.term, function(result, event){ if(event.status) { response($.parseJSON(event.result.replace(/(&quot\;)/g,"\""))); } } ); }, minLength: 2, select: function(event, ui) { document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactId}").value =; document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactName}").value = ui.item.value; getContactData(); return false; } }); } function openContactLookup(){ var elContactNameDomId = "{!$Component.myForm.contactName}"; var elContactIdDomId = "{!$Component.myForm.contactId}"; var elContactName = document.getElementById(elContactNameDomId); var contactName = $(elContactName).val(); var theFormDomId = "{!$Component.myForm}"; var baseUrl = 'ContactLookup?lksrch=' + contactName + '&frm=' + theFormDomId + '&txt=' + elContactNameDomId + '&id=' + elContactIdDomId; var w =, 'lookup', 'width=350,height=480,toolbar=no,status=no,directories=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollable=no', false); } function on_contact_lookup_close(){ var id = document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactId}").value; if(typeof id !== 'undefined' && $.trim(id) != ''){ getContactData(); } } function contactDataComplete(){ // Contact Picture var contactPictureDiv = document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactPicture}"); $(contactPictureDiv).css("display", "block"); $("#viewMore").css("display", "block"); installMap(); doGeoSearch(); var lensElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.lensForm.lensList}'); var lensValue = $(lensElem).val(); switch(lensValue){ case "Network Map": callNetworkMap(); break; case "Geo Map": var nmElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.networkMap}'); $(nmElem).css('display', 'none'); break; } } function installLensFeatures(){ var lensElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.lensForm.lensList}'); var nmElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.networkMap}'); var lensValue = $(lensElem).val(); switch(lensValue){ case "Network Map": // Switch to network map view $("#map").css('display', 'none'); $(nmElem).css('display', 'block'); break; case "Geo Map": // Switch to geo-map view $("#map").css('display', 'block'); $(nmElem).css('display', 'none'); break; } $(lensElem).change(function(){ var lensValue = $(lensElem).val(); var nmElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.networkMap}'); switch(lensValue){ case "Network Map": // Switch to network map view $("#map").css('display', 'none'); $(nmElem).css('display', 'block'); callNetworkMap(); break; case "Geo Map": // Switch to geo-map view $("#map").css('display', 'block'); $(nmElem).css('display', 'none'); installMap(); doGeoSearch(); break; } }); } function hide() { $("#cdiv").css("visibility", "hidden"); } function show() { $("#cdiv").css("top", (y - $("#cdiv").height())+"px"); $("#cdiv").stop().css("visibility", "visible"); } function installMap(){ var elContactName = document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactName}"); var contactName = $(elContactName).val(); var ctLatEl = document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactLatitude}"); var ctLonEl = document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactLongitude}"); var contactLocation = getSelectedContactLocation(); var isTypeAerial = {!isAerialView}; var isTypeAuto = {!isAutomaticView}; var isTypeRoad = {!isRoadView}; var mapType = Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.road; if(isTypeAerial){ mapType = Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.aerial; } if(isTypeAuto){ mapType =; } if(isTypeAerial){ mapType = Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.road; } var mapOptions = { credentials:"Amvs_biQswIjgCf9E8FcStmdzXCIcZF8P8TEiV69rja917DIE50UUIB3-z-o5X-s", mapTypeId: mapType, disableBirdseye: true, enableSearchLogo: false, zoom: 3, center: contactLocation }; map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions); if(contactLocation.longitude != 0 || contactLocation.latitude != 0){ // Add a pin to the center of the map, that is, the contact location var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(contactLocation, { draggable: false, width: 32, height: 32, icon: "{!JSENCODE(contactMapIcon)}" }); map.entities.push(pin); } } function getSelectedContactLocation(){ var ctLatEl = document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactLatitude}"); var ctLonEl = document.getElementById("{!$Component.myForm.contactLongitude}"); var contactLocation = new Microsoft.Maps.Location($(ctLatEl).val(), $(ctLonEl).val()); return contactLocation; } function callNetworkMapJs(){ callNetworkMap(); } function takeToConnectionsTable(){ var lensElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.lensForm.lensList}'); var lensValue = $(lensElem).val(); switch(lensValue){ case "Network Map": var tblId = $(".results-table").attr("id"); break; case "Geo Map": var tblId = $(".geo-results-table").attr("id"); break; } window.location = '#' + tblId; } function doSearch(){ var lensElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.lensForm.lensList}'); //var nmElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.networkMap}'); var lensValue = $(lensElem).val(); switch(lensValue){ case "Network Map": callNetworkMap(); break; case "Geo Map": doGeoSearch(); break; } } </script>