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Tommy Sunderland 16Tommy Sunderland 16 

Visual Workflow FlowApplication Error: "Failed to find records"

I'm trying to create a Visual Workflow + Process Builder that writes the Campaign of which a Lead is a Campaign Member to a custom field on the Lead called Campain_LD_Copy__c. (this is a workaround from this post). I got the Process + Flow to work when a Lead is a Campaign Member of a Campaign, however the Flow fails when the Lead is not part of a Campaign. I thought that adding a Decision node to the Flow could solve for this, but I get an error of "Failed to find records" when the FastLookup tries to find a CampaignMember, and I don't know how to solve for it. 

The first step in the Flow is a FastLookup for Campaign that matches the LeadId, and this seems to be where it's failing (when no record is found). Is there a better way to approach this? Assuming that if there is then my second step (Decision) may be unnecessary (see 2nd screenshot).

Step 1: Fast Lookup
User-added image

Step 2 (Decision):
User-added image

Best Answer chosen by Tommy Sunderland 16
Alain CabonAlain Cabon

It is {!LatestCampaingMember} that is the variable set to null.

All Answers

Alain CabonAlain Cabon

It is {!LatestCampaingMember} that is the variable set to null.
This was selected as the best answer
Tommy Sunderland 16Tommy Sunderland 16
@Alain, that appears to work. Thank you!