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Tony Williams 9Tony Williams 9 

Avalara for SF: Invalid parameter value "fB0Ni1BVtLnbAD1xVS1udw==" for parameter "Decryption Exception".

Hi I'm working on the integration between AvaTax and our billing system, using the Salesforce Api. 
We have changed to a newSalesforce Organization and are attempting to calculate tax on orders for Canadian customers. This has worked well on other Sandboxes we have tried.
Is there a  reliable way to know why the parametr is not working when sending the Http Request?
I am noticing that for this new Sandbox org we are reciving this message when calculating the tax (See log file segment below) Thanks:
DEBUG|{"type":"SalesOrder","lines":[\{"quantity":1.00,"itemCode":"43490","description":"Freight","number":"1","amount":0.00},\{"quantity":1.00,"itemCode":"79345","description":"Puggles Backpack","number":"2","amount":4.1677967793}],"customerCode":"4","companyCode":"awana1","code":"988103","date":"2018-04-25 10:29:52","commit":"false","addresses":{"ShipTo":{"region":"BC","postalCode":"V4P 1H5","line1":"2430 King George Blvd Ste 101","country":null,"city":"Surrey"},"ShipFrom":{"region":"IL","postalCode":"60173","line1":"1620 N Penny Ln","country":"US","city":"Schaumburg"}}}
10:29:51.0 (36237563)|CALLOUT_REQUEST|[1747]|System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=callout:AvalaraTax, Method=POST]
10:29:51.0 (40289120)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[1747]|System.UnexpectedException: Invalid parameter value "fB0Ni1BVtLnbAD1xVS1udw==" for parameter "Decryption Exception".
10:29:51.0 (40477323)|FATAL_ERROR|System.UnexpectedException: Invalid parameter value "fB0Ni1BVtLnbAD1xVS1udw==" for parameter "Decryption Exception".

The Apex code that makes the call out to Avalara is this:
webservice static Result CalculateTaxOnOpportunity(string OrderId)

        decimal TaxAmount = null;        
        // Try to
            // Convert the OpportunitySalesforceId argument provided to a Salesforce ID
            ID TempId = OrderId;
        // If converting fails, return failure and an error message.
        } catch(Exception ex) {  return new Result(false,'Please supply a valid Order (15 or 18 character) Salesforce Id. Error Message: '+ex.getMessage());  }
            // Initialize the tax variable to zero.
            TaxAmount = 0;
            AvalaraTaxJSON Obj = new AvalaraTaxJSON(OrderId);
            if(Obj.companyCode != null || Obj.companyCode !='') {
                string jsonData = JSON.serialize(Obj);
                jsonData = jsonData.replace('AvalaraCurrentDataTime','date');
                jsonData = jsonData.replace('Avalara_Commit','commit');
                jsonData = jsonData.replaceAll('Avalara_SeqNumber','number');
                Http h = new Http();
                HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
                HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
                JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(res.getBody());
                while (parser.nextToken() != null) {
                    if ((parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME) && 
                        (parser.getText() == 'totalTax')) {
                            TaxAmount = parser.getDecimalValue();
                return new Result(true,'Success, tax amount calculated',TaxAmount);
                return new Result(false,'The Order must have a valid Shipping Country before calculating tax OR Country must be United States Or Canada');
        // If an error occurred getting tax
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Return failure and an error message.
            return new Result(false,'An error occurred when getting tax from the tax system. Error:'+ex.getMessage());
        // Otherwise, return Success as true and the Tax Amount calculated by the tax web service.*/
        return new Result(true,'Success, tax amount calculated',TaxAmount);

The AvalaraTaxJSON object looks like this:
public class AvalaraTaxJSON {
string code;
public string companyCode{get;set;}
string type;
string AvalaraCurrentDataTime;
string customerCode; 
string Avalara_Commit;
address addresses;
list<lineItem> lines;   
    public class address{
        public AddressCls ShipFrom;
        public AddressCls ShipTo;
    public class AddressCls{
        string line1;
        string city;
        string region;
        string country;
        string postalCode;
        public AddressCls(string line, string city, string reg, string country, string zipCode){
            this.line1 = line;
   = city;
            this.region = reg;
   = country;
            this.postalCode = zipCode;
    public class lineItem{
        public string Avalara_SeqNumber;
        public decimal quantity;
        public decimal amount;
        public string description;
        public string itemCode;
        public  lineItem(string num,decimal qunt, decimal amt,string itemCode, string des){
            this.Avalara_SeqNumber = num;
            this.quantity = qunt;
            this.amount =amt;
            this.description = des;
            this.itemCode = itemcode;  
    public AvalaraTaxJSON(string orderId){
        string isoCode;
        //Constructing JSON with OrderLine Items
        lines = new list<LineItem>();
        list<Order> orderLst = [SELECT ID, Name,Shipping_Street__c, Shipping_City__c,Shipping_State__c, Shipping_Zip_Code__c, Shipping_Country__c, TempOrderNumber__c, LastModifiedById, Error_Log__c,Account.IntacctID__c, Company__c,
                                (SELECT Line_Type__c, PricebookEntry.Product2Id, PricebookEntry.Product2.ProductCode, PricebookEntry.Product2.Name, Quantity, TotalPrice, Quantity_Given_Away__c FROM Order.OrderItems) FROM Order WHERE ID = :string.escapeSingleQuotes(orderId)];
        if(orderLst!=null&& orderLst.size()>0){
            Order Ord= orderLst.get(0);
            if(Ord.Shipping_Country__c!=null && Ord.Shipping_Country__c.toLowerCase().contains('united states') || Ord.Shipping_Country__c.toLowerCase().contains('canada')){
                list<Country__c> countryObj = [SELECT ISO_Code__c FROM Country__c WHERE Name = :Ord.Shipping_Country__c];
                if(countryObj!=null && countryObj.size()>0){
                    isoCode = countryObj.get(0).ISO_Code__c;
                Awana_Settings__c custSetting =  Awana_Settings__c.getValues('AvalaraTaxCompany');
                    this.companyCode = custSetting.value__c;
                    this.companyCode = 'awana1-sb2'; //default value
                this.code = Ord.TempOrderNumber__c;
                this.customerCode = Ord.Account.IntacctID__c;
                this.type = 'SalesOrder'; 
                this.AvalaraCurrentDataTime = String.valueOf(;
                this.Avalara_Commit = 'false'; 
                addresses = new address();
                addresses.ShipFrom = new AddressCls('1620 N Penny Ln','Schaumburg','IL','US','60173'); //Default Address Present in Cast iron
                addresses.ShipTo = new AddressCls(Ord.Shipping_Street__c,Ord.Shipping_City__c,Ord.Shipping_State__c,isoCode,Ord.Shipping_Zip_Code__c);
                integer itr =1;
                for(OrderItem oli : Ord.OrderItems){
                    lines.add(new LineItem(string.valueOf(itr),oli.Quantity,Oli.TotalPrice,oli.PricebookEntry.Product2.ProductCode,oli.PricebookEntry.Product2.Name));                   

Best Answer chosen by Tony Williams 9
Tony Williams 9Tony Williams 9
Yep so using Named Credentials we were able to update this issue

All Answers

Tony Williams 9Tony Williams 9
We contacted Avalara support and we are looking into the differences in the account IDs and also having to deal with Intacct. So its not a code issue but someting that may have happened during refresh. 
Tony Williams 9Tony Williams 9
After delving further into this I have discovered that this is not an issue with support but may be an issue with the refresh. We contacted customer support and had to investigate why we had two different account IDs for Test org.
Tony Williams 9Tony Williams 9
Yep so using Named Credentials we were able to update this issue
This was selected as the best answer