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Luan SantosLuan Santos 

DNS TXT Record

Hello everyone,
I have a page on facebook where I need to verify my domain (site) from

I'm trying to follow these steps from facebook:
Log in to the domain and visit the DNS records section.
Add this TXT record to your DNS configuration:
facebook-domain-verification = me5ndc38794385kh9ysd9wj7rayhim
Add @ in the Host field (if your domain host requires it)
Wait until your DNS configuration changes spread to your site's domain servers (this may take up to 72 hours and you click Verify.

However, I can't find where are the options to configure the DNS TXT Records on Salesforce.

Can anyone help me with that?
You will not be able to use DNS TXT record if the domain name you are trying to point at is owned by Salesforce.  If you are pointing to a site that exists on Salesforce but is behind your domain (ie then you can modify your DNS entry for verification.  However if you are using the domain you will have to use the HTML verification process.
Luan SantosLuan Santos
I tried this first, but I couldn't find where I can do the HTML verification process.. I think it isn't possible too. 

'Put the HTML file in the root directory' - I'm talking about this.
There is no such option in Salesforce.
You can put the contents of it in a visualforce page
<apex:page applyHtmlTag="false" applyBodyTag="false" showChat="false" showHeader="false" showQuickActionVfHeader="false" sidebar="false">
    <!-- Put HTML here -->

and then you should be able to add a custom URL redirect from the unique html name to your visualforce page in your site.  If this does not work then you will have to expose your site via a custom domain name
Gurnam Singh 9Gurnam Singh 9
Hello Luan, are you able to verify your DNS using HTML varification ? 

I am also facing same problem. 
Getting below error during varification 
User-added image

Luan SantosLuan Santos

Hey Gurnam
Nothing yet. I tried what Pcon posted also, but until now without success.