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remote access failed to authenticate -- but it did before...

I have a mobile (android html) app that uses Oauth 2.0 to validate.  This program worked just fine for years.  We have five users, however, that fully logged out, and when they went to log in they get an "error: Failed To authenticate. Please try again".  The wierd part of this is that nothing changed in these users profiles.  The program itself has not been altered in years. Everyone else who has this app is able to log in fine.

When I check the login logs I see that the user successfully "logged in" and I see the device (so I know its a mobile login logging in TLS 1.2)  so the process is getting past the login phase, it is just not getting past the token phase (i think, I am not sure.).
With these five users I have tried the following : I have cleared the cache on the phone and revoked all old Oauth tokens and attempted to re login. I have reissued Passwords, and reissued security tokens(and cleared the cache and tokens).  I have attempted logins with both the passwords and security tokens as was suggested with a similar issue with an outlook app integration.

The other users who are still able to log in can be logged into other devices, although I am wary of doing this because of the limit of Tokens(these users are set to 5), if their primary device is revoked I am afraid that the issue will occur with them.

This was noticed about a month ago (april 2018)  is there something that could have happened in the last few months to our instance that could have caused this or was there something that was depriciated recently through sales force? (like cordova or forceTK which this app uses)
Todd Halfpenny MCTodd Halfpenny MC

I would be tempted to double check that your app is indeed trying to use TLS1.1+.

Do you know what version of the SDK was used to build the app?

Firstly I would like to state that the application is coming close to EOL.  Within a few months we will be migrating to a new application.  The issue is that it is not currently EOL we still have to use it.

The code in the app does not specify its connection type, however, the phones we are using for the app show up in the user login logs as using TLS 1.2  (if it was a TLS issue we would not be able to use the app at all.) The phones are older but capable of TLS 1.2.  Oddly enough we have had a few newer phones using this app and they seem to be able to log in fine meaning the app is not preventing the TLS 1.2. The application itself seems to be programmed to older phone specs though so there is some "wonkyness" which is why we have not upgraded the phones. The phones in question are using android 4.4.3

The issue is getting the Oauth token I am almost positive. The question is why. Nothing changed in our day to day except one day a user tried logging into a new device--that failed and then they tried loggin into their old device and that failed.
If the login was a failure it would have logged it as such. The phones get past the initial login page, and go on to the permissions page.  Once you click allow, it states that the error occured.  I am gussing that the OAuth token is not getting through all of a sudden, I am guessing this because it is set to never expire (unless overwritten by the user by signing on to another device). If TLS is not the issue did support for older phones getting Oauth tokens change?

Salesforce SDK  Version 33 Version Name 2.1.1
Cordova 2.3.0