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lightning accordion

I want to collpase the accordion in lightning on page load...I need it only in lightning
Any help is appreciated.
simple way, add class slds-hide and in activeSectionName select hidden accordion. refer below ex.
   <lightning:accordion activeSectionName="D">
     <lightning:accordionSection name="A" label="Accordion Title A">This is the content area for section A</lightning:accordionSection>
     <lightning:accordionSection name="B" label="Accordion Title B">This is the content area for section B</lightning:accordionSection>
     <lightning:accordionSection name="C" label="Accordion Title C">This is the content area for section C</lightning:accordionSection>
      <lightning:accordionSection name="D" label="Accordion Title D" class="slds-hide">This is the content area for section C</lightning:accordionSection>
