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Exam woes; or, a cry for help


I have been self-teaching Salesforce to take the ADM201 exam since March 2018. I have completed the Salesforce Certification Trailmix (, and have been studying the Salesforce help docs diligently. I am reluctant to use unofficial study materials, as I don't want to be misled by inaccurate information, and have already seen discrepencies between sites. I have taken the official Salesforce Practice Test a few times, only doing marginally better each time. Here is my most recent result:
Scores from my 3rd Practice Test. On previous attempts, I had done better on the lower-weighted sections, but worse on the heavier parts

It is rather unfortunate that we are left in the dark about which specific areas of improvement are needed. The ADM201 Study Guide recommends 6 months real-world experience to pass the exam. Trouble is, I have no real-world Salesforce experience, even as a user in an organization. To gain experience, I have applied to some nonprofits that need help, but even they all want certified admins. How common is this?

What should I do? I'd love to get some advice, as well has hear your experiences. I'm really hoping someone can shine a light.


fred flores 20fred flores 20
  When I was studying for my Adm201 I used the following site: . This cost $ 60. The person running the site is great. He will help you with questions and real-life approach to passing your admin certification.  There are other sites that I could offer. Please give this one a try. He does keep the information up to date.

