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Zoe FanZoe Fan 

Login right frame url size

Hi Developers,

I am trying to put a right side content on the login page of my community. I put the right frame url into the page below.

 Login & Registration where I put in Right Frame url

However, when I try to log in by my big screen computer, the image on the right side does not fit into the full size of the screen. (There is a thick white boarder on the right and bottom)

When I try to log in by my smaller screen laptop, I can only see part of the image (I have to scroll down to see the full size)

Please find the link of my community log in page:

Therefore, is there any way to put a url so the image size will automatically adjust based on screen size?

Thank you so much for your help!
Tobi AgbedeTobi Agbede
Hey Zoe,

I am having the same issue - did you manage to find a resolution to this?

Articles that I have read that the maximum size for the images should be around 470 x 390 and i find that ends up being really small!
