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Nikiforos SakkasNikiforos Sakkas 

Edit Lead by POST request


I have a Salesforce Web2lead account. I know that is possible to create new leads by a POST request from a Web2Lead URL ( etc. )

Is there any solution for editing a lead through a POST request similar way? For Example, is there any way to change first_name from a lead with a POST request and not by hand?

Thanks in advance for your answer.
You could probly just use a PUT-request. A PUT-request can Update/Replace, while a POST-request only creates a new object. 

It should work in a similar way, but if you get into trouble just post again!
Nikiforos SakkasNikiforos Sakkas
Emgu thanks for your answer ! I will try it... Do I have to include also to this PUT request a parameter to identify the lead (like unique id), or the salesforce will recognise the lead from the other fileds (email, name etc.) ?
Take a look at this cheat sheet:

Seems like salesforce uses PATCH insted of PUT. But it works the same way. The exampel in the cheat sheet^ u send Id as a parameter, good luck!
