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Ant Migration Tool fails on pages with override button

This seems to be new behavior in Summer '18.

I'm using the Ant Migration Tool to deploy code to a test org. During deployment, it errors on VisualForce pages that contain override buttons.
[sf:deploy] Component Failures:
[sf:deploy] 1.  pages/ -- Error: You can't change the standard controller object Enrollment__c because this page is referenced in the action override New.

Has anyone seen this before and is there a work around?

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
from the error message, i feel it is not related to  Summer '18. 

The issue is because of Enrollment is referred in one of the action overrides because it used standard controller attribute from the page. 
Looks like you removed the standard controller now. 
TO fix it 
Remove the action override and redeploy the package