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Master thesis ideas related to salesforce

Hi ,

First of all sorry for posting something not related to SF developement. I am right now trying to find out a topic for my master thesis and i would like to do something related to salesforce. It would be really helpfull if someone could suggest me some ideas or places i can look for some interesting topics. I am pursuing MSc in business informatics btw. 

Thanks in advance.
Dawn BaileyDawn Bailey
Hi, I hope my suggestion isn't too late. There is a resource where you can find some ideas for your thesis as well as other information about thesis writing. You can also find there many different article and samples regarding academic writing. I hope this helps!
John Ratcliffe 2John Ratcliffe 2
Thanks for the great ideas for writing your master's thesis. But I am only planning to become a student so far, and I found a personal statement writing service ( to guarantee my admission to university. I will keep your recommendations for the future.