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lightning- Quick Action- Passing Parameters

Hello, I'm working on the lightning version. I have lightning component opened by quick action.
The component displays the form for creating an object (X) from an opportunity.
The idea is to select the opportunity and the account linked to this opportunity and pass them directly into the object creation form (X). Do you have an idea?
Etienne DKEtienne DK
I have not played around with Lightning QA  so these are some general thoughts.
Is the quick action a global or object specific quick action?
I recall global QA's won't have access to a specific record ID so this is a blocker.
If it's an object specific QA then using "implements='force:hasRecordId" in the lightning cmp gives you access to the record in Apex and you're good to go....
Please check below link.

Please mark it best if it helps you. Thanks.
Thank you for your replay.
This is an URL Button form to create object X from Opportunitty:
User-added image

I want to have this resulat when clicking the button:
User-added image

I can't use url button and pass parameters so i create lightning component, but when i want to display Opportunity name and Account Name I have this form: 
User-added image

and when I want to save, I have this error: 

User-added image