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Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3 

You do not have permission to query this object with Async SOQL

Can anyone help me with this issue that I'm facing when trying to run an Async SOQL qeury through Workbench. I keep running into this error message which is notifying me that I do not have permission to query the Custom_Object__c with Async SOQL.

I have the System Admin profile and I have full access to the Custom_Object__c in question along with full access to all of the fields.
Best Answer chosen by Nevin O'Regan 3
Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3
Just to give everyone an update on this. Apparantely (even though there are video tutorials online to show you how you can do it) this feature is not available and we do not know when it will be available. The only workaround for now is to customize this using code. Not ideal considering the business had purchased the product based on this feature alone.  

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SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Found below comment from link see if that can help you.

During POC done by me I got a response from salesforce team that to enable Async SOQL in any org, you need to buy atleast a 50 million record Block of Big Object.
Now, what do you mean by 50 Million Block?

It can be understood that by default Salesforce provides 1 Million record as a storage space in Big Object. To upgrade the limitation of 1 Million, customer has to purchase storage in Big Object as 50 Million Records Block. You can buy multiple such blocks i.e N * each 50 Million Block.

And Enable Asycn SOQL can be done only if you buy atleast a 50 Million Block.

Price quoted for a 50 Million Block in 9600 UK Pound.
Best Regards,
Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3
Hi Sandhya,

We have already paid for a 50 million block of big objects but you mentioned that I can enable Async once I have this. Where do I enable the Async SOQL?
Nevin O'Regan,

sometimes we may have to create a case with Salesforce

Please mark as "feature activation" on the General Application Area

Feature requested: Async SOQL

I hope this is helpful

"Appreciate your feedback"
Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3
Hi AtlantFalcon100,

Yes the feature has already been activated. I now have the account team working on this for me at the moment as there seems to be a bit of confusion around what aspects of this product are actually available. The available online material outlines that you can actually use Async SOQL to transfer records from custom_objects__c to big_objects__b (says it's in Pilot) when in fact this does not seem to be the case. 
Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3
Just to give everyone an update on this. Apparantely (even though there are video tutorials online to show you how you can do it) this feature is not available and we do not know when it will be available. The only workaround for now is to customize this using code. Not ideal considering the business had purchased the product based on this feature alone.  
This was selected as the best answer
Lewis Blau 3Lewis Blau 3
Just wanted to get an update. I am doing the Big Objects trailhead and attempted in a developer org to do a Async SOQL call with workbench when I got the functionality is not available message.  I saw this article,, and I opened a case with Salesforce to activate. Tier 1 support said Aysnchronous API was enabled but I am still getting Functionality is not available message. Any thoughts on what I need to do.