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McCain PetersonMcCain Peterson 

Calculate not null and null values in a report

I want to count the percentage of null and not null values out of all the records at Grand Summary level in report. So, I have done the following:-
I created 2 custom formula fields on the object which will be the report data source. 
In custom formula field for not null values I wrote this - IF(NOT(ISNULL(Field_name__c)),0,1) and for null values - IF(ISNULL(Field_name__c)),0,1)
Then I added two formulas on the summary report one forumula created % of not null values and second % of null values. 
But, it does not seems to work.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. 
Maharajan CMaharajan C
Hi McCain,

The formula field return type should be Number.

Then in the Report Custom Summary formula please use the formula like below:

Account.Field_name__c:SUM / RowCount     

please refer the below screenshot:

1. IF Null :

User-added image

User-added image
Can you please Let me know if it helps or not!!!

If it helps don't forget to mark this as a best answer!!!

McCain PetersonMcCain Peterson

It is showing 100% man. It did not work!