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Austin GutzAustin Gutz 

Scheduled Apex not working

I have a class that compares two fields on an Object and forces an update to trigger a process builder if the fields are a mismatch.

The code works just fine if I run it in the Dev Console.
List<Open_AR_Doc__c> lstINVToUpdate = new List<Open_AR_Doc__c>();
        List<Open_AR_Doc__c> lList = [Select Id, Name, Invoice_Standing__c ,Invoice_Standing_Text__c from Open_AR_Doc__c];
        for(Open_AR_Doc__c inv : lList){
            if(inv.recordTypeId == '0125A000001NaOj' && inv.Invoice_Standing_Text__c != inv.Invoice_Standing__c){
        if(lstINVToUpdate.size() > 0){
            update lstINVToUpdate;
But when I schedule the class it runs but doesn't actually update the reocrds. 
global class DailyOpenARDocInvoiceUpdate implements Schedulable {

    global void execute(SchedulableContext ctx) {
        List<Open_AR_Doc__c> lstINVToUpdate = new List<Open_AR_Doc__c>();
        List<Open_AR_Doc__c> lList = [Select Id, Name, Invoice_Standing__c ,Invoice_Standing_Text__c from Open_AR_Doc__c];
        for(Open_AR_Doc__c inv : lList){
            if(inv.recordTypeId == '0125A000001NaOj' && inv.Invoice_Standing_Text__c != inv.Invoice_Standing__c){
        if(lstINVToUpdate.size() > 0){
            update lstINVToUpdate;

Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Please check log you are getting any error while executing the scheduler class ?