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Kiran Kumar PunuruKiran Kumar Punuru 

How to update owner using email field

Hi All,

I have a requirement where i need to update the owner for the new record created to the user which has the email in the same record.

For example:

If i create a record with name : abc
                                     email :

then after record was created the owner for the new record has to be changed to user associated with email

Any suggestions or ideas are helpful .

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Try this code you need ot create a trigger
trigger UpdateOwnerID on Account(before insert, before update) {
     Set<String> setEmails = new Set<String>();
      for(Account acc :
    map<string,id> userIdbyAlias = new map<string,id>();  
    for(User u : [Select id,Name from user where Email IN :setEmails])
    for (Account accList :
      accList.OwnerId = userIdByAlias.get(accList.Email);
