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Alan DePewAlan DePew 

Test Apex Class for Visualforce Page

I have an apex class that is being called from a Visualforce Page when a user clicks a button on the Contact page. How would I go about writing a test method for this apex class?
public class USPS_Contact {

    //Apex properties or variables
    public Id Id { get; set; }
    public Boolean MailingValidated;
    public String MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingZipCode;
    public String USPS_UID, BaseURL, ReturnValue, Endpoint, resXML;
    public String USPSAddress, USPSCity, USPSState, USPSZip5, USPSZip4, USPSDPV, USPSMsg, ErrorMsg;
    //Constructor to get the Contact record
    public USPS_Contact(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
    controller.addFields(new String[]{
      con =  (Contact)controller.getRecord();
      Id = con.Id;
      MailingStreet = con.MailingStreet;
      MailingCity = con.MailingCity;
      MailingState = con.MailingState;
      MailingZipCode = con.MailingPostalCode;
      MailingValidated = con.Mailing_Address_Validated__c;
    }//End Constructor

    //Method that can is called from the Visual Force page action attribute
    public PageReference USPSVerify() {
        IF(MailingStreet != NULL && MailingValidated == FALSE ){
    //Build your code logic here
    USPS_UID = 'Eradicated';
    BaseURL = '';
    ReturnValue = '<AddressValidateRequest USERID="' + USPS_UID + '"><Address ID="0">'; 
    ReturnValue += '<Address1></Address1>';
    ReturnValue += '<Address2>' + MailingStreet + '</Address2>';
    ReturnValue += '<City>' + MailingCity + '</City>';
    ReturnValue += '<State>' + MailingState + '</State>';
    ReturnValue += '<Zip5>' + MailingZipCode + '</Zip5>';
    ReturnValue += '<Zip4></Zip4>';    
    ReturnValue += '</Address></AddressValidateRequest>';
    ReturnValue = EncodingUtil.urlEncode(ReturnValue, 'UTF-8');
    ReturnValue = BaseURL + ReturnValue; 
        endpoint = ReturnValue;
        HttpRequest request=new HttpRequest();
        request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
        Http p=new Http();
        HttpResponse response=p.send(request);

        Dom.Document docx = new Dom.Document();
        Dom.XmlNode xroot = docx.getRootElement();

        List<Dom.XmlNode> childelements = xroot.getChildElements();  //Get XML tags from response
    	String stringchildren = string.join(childelements,',');   //Convert XML tags into string
        Boolean result = stringchildren.contains('Error');      //Check for error tag in XML result      
    IF(result == TRUE) {
          ErrorMsg = xroot.getchildElement('Address', null).getchildElement('Error', null).getchildElement('Description',null).getText();
            try {
          // Query for the contact, which has been associated with an account.
            Contact ErrorContact = [SELECT Id
                                      FROM Contact 
                                        WHERE Id = :Id];

            // Update the Validation Fields for Error Message
            ErrorContact.Mailing_Address_Validated__c = FALSE;
            ErrorContact.Mailing_Address_Validation_Message__c = ErrorMsg;
            ErrorContact.Mailing_Address_Validation_Timestamp__c =;

            // Update the related account industry
            update ErrorContact;
      } catch(Exception e) {
          System.debug('An unexpected error has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
        ELSE {
      try {
        USPSAddress = xroot.getChildElement('Address', null).getchildElement('Address2', null).getText();	
	USPSCity = xroot.getChildElement('Address', null).getchildElement('City', null).getText();
        USPSState = xroot.getChildElement('Address', null).getchildElement('State', null).getText();
        USPSZip5 = xroot.getChildElement('Address', null).getchildElement('Zip5', null).getText();                
        USPSZip4 = xroot.getChildElement('Address', null).getchildElement('Zip4', null).getText();                
        USPSMsg = 'Mailing Address Validated';
        // Query for the contact, which has been associated with an account.
            Contact SuccessContact = [SELECT Id
                                      FROM Contact 
                                        WHERE Id = :Id];

        // Update the Validation Fields for Success Message
                  SuccessContact.MailingStreet = USPSAddress;
                  SuccessContact.MailingCity = USPSCity;
                  SuccessContact.MailingState = USPSState;
                  SuccessContact.MailingPostalCode = USPSZip5+'-'+USPSZip4;
                  update SuccessContact;
	//We update the record twice to avoid turning off the validation fields when the address is changed.
                  SuccessContact.Mailing_Address_Validated__c = TRUE;
                  SuccessContact.Mailing_Address_Validation_Message__c = USPSMsg;
                  SuccessContact.Mailing_Address_Validation_Timestamp__c =;
            update SuccessContact;
      } catch(Exception e) {
          System.debug('An unexpected error has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
        //Return to the Contact Page
        PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/'+Id);
         return pageRef;


Here is the Visualforce Page:
<apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="USPS_Contact" action="{!USPSVerify}">
<apex:form >
<apex:inputHidden value="{!contact.Id}"/>

Jeff PearsonJeff Pearson
You just invoke the button action directly from your test class, like this,

    public static testMethod void testUSPSVerify()
        PageReference pageRef = Page.[page name here];
        Test.setCurrentPage( pageRef );
        USPS_Contact controller = new USPS_Contact();
        system.assert(controller != null); // controller has successfully been created
        pageRef = controller.USPSVerify();