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How to edit the record when the inserting with registeration form if the records all reday avbaliable then update and save else record also save with visuaforcepage?

Hi Everyone

i have a problem
how to solve a prblem when a inserting a registation form if records all ready exist then edit the same record which is all reday exist else save a record as new record ?

NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 

May I request you please elaborate your requirement clearly so that we can understand better and can help you accordingly.

Assuming that you want to update a record if it's already existing or insert if the record isn't existing.

I would suggest you please refer to below links which might help you further with the above requirement. Hope this helps.

Kindly mark this as solved if the reply was helpful.

Hi, Nagendra 

actually i am submitting a Registration form but some Records all ready exist but i want to exist recors only update if found any matching  and save  else not any records found then also save as  the new Record 
