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Ganesh PrabhuGanesh Prabhu 

Search a record by identifier without record type

I want to get record by id without specifying record type. i have tried with following ways.

/services/data/v39.0/search/?q=FIND {0010800000Abti7AAZ}

are there any ways to get record by id?
Thanks in advance
Charisse de BelenCharisse de Belen
Searching by ID is currently not implemented, but you can upvote the Idea here: If it passes the point threshold, Salesforce might deliver it in the future.

In the meantime, you can just put the ID in the URL and it will take you directly to that record. For example:
Charisse de BelenCharisse de Belen
Hi Ganesh,

If my answer was of help to you, please mark it as the Best Answer so this question can be marked Solved. Thank you!