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Steve InsulSteve Insul 

Data loader CLIq and TLS disablement

I've downloaded the latest Data Loader 40.0 and Java 8u131 but my user reports show that it is still using the TLS1.0 protocol.  How can I get it to log in using TLS1.2?
Naveen Rahul 22Naveen Rahul 22
Hello Steve,

please follow this help link.

i think i believe you missed this step in IE

User-added image

D Naveen Rahul.
Steve InsulSteve Insul
Hi Naveen,

Unfortunately that doesn't help.  When logging in through the browser, it is using TLS1.2  My problem is when logging in using the Data Loader command line.  If I use Data Loader GUI, it uses TLS1.2, but on command line, it logs in with TLS1.1.  Thanks.