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Anna Rudenko 9Anna Rudenko 9 

Flow - Formula to update number field by +1

I am trying to update number field on Opportunity (# of created SE Request Cases): every time the user is launching the flow to create a case, the field shall get updated by +1.
The flow is being launched from Opportunity, "# of created SE Request Cases" field is being associated with this variable:

User-added image
This field is used in the formula which adds 1 to the above variable:
User-added image

Once in the flow the case record is created, I have record update element updating my initial number field on Opportunity:
User-added image

For some reason the field is being updated just ones - upon the first case creation - to 1.
And further when I am creating other cases from the same opportunity, the field value is still 1 (does not increament).

What am i missing?
maybe there is a better way to acomplish this?