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How to get multiple records as input for a custom object in a single page?

I have created a page where I am getting input data for a custom object and saving it. As of now, I can save one record but I want to expand it to multiple records. How do I achieve it? The requirements are
i) User will be shown input fieds for first record when opening the page
ii) He can choose to add more rows to a max count of 20(Add rows by clicking "Add" button)
iii) Save all data once "Save" button is clicked
                            <apex:outputText value="First Name" styleClass="col-form-label"/>
                            <apex:inputText value="{!uAccount.First_Name__c}" html-placeholder="First Name" />
                            <apex:outputText value="Last Name" styleClass="col-form-label" />
                            <apex:inputText value="{!uAccount.Last_Name__c}" html-placeholder="Last Name" />                                          

This is a sample code I have created to get first name and last name. This should be modified so that user can enter mutliple names if he want and save everything to the object. I have modified the object as a list object in apex class but do not know how to implement it in visualforce page
Maharajan CMaharajan C
Hi Gstart.

Refer the below Links it will surely helps to you friend!!!

Just change the fields and objects as per your need.

Can you please Let me know if it works or not!!!

If it helps don't forget to mark this as a best answer!!!
