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Martin Brown 22Martin Brown 22 

Keep original URL for custom domain

I've created a custom domain for my Salesforce Visualforce page and when I type in into my browser it goes to

However I'm wanting it to show the page the original URL in the browser ( even though it is displaying the page 

How do I do this?
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Martin,

When you set up a subdomain name for your org with My Domain, all your application URLs, including Visualforce pages, also change. Make sure that you update all application URLs before you deploy a domain name. For example, the Email Notification URL field in Chatter Answers continues to send notifications with the old URLs to internal users unless you update it. This table shows you the differences.

URL Type: Login

Old URL:

New URL: https://<subdomain>.my.

URL Type: Application page or tab

Old URL: https://<instance><pageID>

New URL: https://<subdomain>.my. /<pageID>

URL Type: Visualforce page with no namespace

Old URL: https://c.<instance><pagename>

New URL: https://<subdomain>--c. <instance>.visual. /apex /<pagename>

URL Type: Visualforce page with namespace

Old URL: https://<yournamespace101>.​<instance>.visual.​​/apex/<pagename>

New URL: https://<subdomain>--​<yournamespace>.​<instance>​/apex/​

Note: If you implement My Domain in a sandbox environment, the URL format is https://<subdomain>--<sandboxname>.<instance> Because you can’t have namespaces in a sandbox environment, the format of all Visualforce page URLs in a sandbox is https://<subdomain>--<sandboxname>--c.<instance><pagename>.

Hope this helps.

Please mark this as solved if it's resolved so that it gets removed from the unanswered queue which results in helping others who are encountering a similar issue.


Martin Brown 22Martin Brown 22
Thanks for the reply but I'm not sure what I should do.

I'm assuming is a Visualforce page. So are you saying I need to change it's URL? Where do I do that?
om gupta(sfdc)om gupta(sfdc)
actually suppose you have buy custom domain from godaddy there is option to keep the same url not showing the redirect url . 
you can also ask customer care where you have purchase . hope this will help you
Martin Brown 22Martin Brown 22
I already have a custom domain  but I need to know what settings to set to stop the URL from being changed in the broswer.
Jaykumar MandaviyaJaykumar Mandaviya
I am facing the same issue Martin. any chance did you find any solution for it?