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John NeffJohn Neff 

How do I save a value in an inputText field?


I am attempting to use inputText on a VF page and can't figure out how to save the value to the record.  Does anyone have an example of this that I could bootstrap off of? 

I am using a custom object & controller. 

Here is the string from the VF page: 

apex:inputText value="{!spotObj.Workload__c}"/> <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!saveSpot}"/>
And here is my controller: 
public with sharing class SpotsInProcess{

    public List <Job_Number__c> listOfInProgress {get;set;}
    public Job_Number__c InProgress  {get;set;}

public PageReference saveSpot(){
    UPDATE listOfInProgress;
    return null;

public SpotsInProcess(){
    listOfInProgress = [Select id, name, Workload__c, Notes__c, Thumbnail_URL__c, ISCI__c, Title__c,   First_Air_Date__c,  Last_Air_Date__c, Project__c, Campaign__r.Name, Nets_Running__c, View_Link__c, Internal_Title__c, Legal__c, Airing_Agencies__c from Job_Number__c where Job_Status__c = 'In Progress']; 

It would mean the world to me if someone could help me out!

Thanks in advance! 
Andy PutraAndy Putra
can you show me the complete code?
John NeffJohn Neff
Hi Andy, 

Thank you for your help!  That is my complete controller. 

